Flatwoods - Fallout 76
The first bigger town you will encounter in the game. It is located in The Forest south of Vault 76.
Side QuestS06 Search Vault-Tec Agricultural Research Center - After entering Flatwoods
Going from the north from the OH side, we will meet the following buildings:
Willie Mae's House

Outside Willie Mae house on other side of the road from Lodge.
HolotapeH40 Survivor Story: Willie Mae
HolotapeH50 Who Goes There? - Part 1
Sofie's House

HolotapeH41 Survivor Story: Sofie - on the body back of house.
Next house to Sofie.
Weapons Workbench
Funeral Home
Other side of the street.
Lot of insignificant notes.
Yellow house

Tinker's Workbench
Weapons Workbench - other side of the street.
Armor Workbench house
Armor Workbench
Recipe: Delbert's Appalachili
Nurse Scott's House

HolotapeH51 Who Goes There? - Part 2 in mail box outside Nurse Scott's House in Flatwoods
Cooking Station on other side of the street.

HolotapeH49 Survivor Story: Nurse Scott - behind the house, between two bathtubs.
Delbert Winters House

Recipe: Delbert's Sunshine Oil
HolotapeH42 Survivor Story: Rev. Delbert Winters - on the body inside house.
Terminal Delebert's Terminal
Water Pump
Red Rocket
Tinker's Workbench
Recipe: Delbert's Mountain Hocks
On East Side of Flatwoods
Miguel Caldera House
HolotapeH43 Survivor Story: Miguel Caldera - in the box on the porch.
Colonel's House

HolotapeH48 Survivor Story: Responder Colonel on the body on the porch.
Jeremiah Ward's House
Safe skill 1
Recipe: Yao Guai Roast
Flatwoods Church

Here you will come for First Contact Quest.
Overseer's Cache
HolotapeH11 Holotape: Overseer's Log - Flatwoods - inside Overseer's Cache in Flatwoods Church
Diagnostic terminal
HolotapeH67 Holotape: Volunteer Training Program: Water - in Diagnostic terminal
Trader Volunteer Bot Trader
HolotapeH46 Survivor Story: Dassa Ben-Ami on the body in Flatwoods Church.
Chemistry Station
Pastor's Vestments
HolotapeH47 Survivor Story: Colonel on the top of tower in Flatwoods Church.
Main QuestM05 Final Departure after finishing Second Helpings in Flatwoods Church.
I learned that the Responders were headquartered at Morgantown Airport. It seems like a good place to search for clues about what happened to them.
Flatwoods Tavern
Self-Serve Registration Kiosk
Main QuestM03 Thirst Things First after Register as a Volunteer in Flatwoods Tavern.
Become a Volunteer Responder by completing basic training courses.
HolotapeH50 Who Goes There? - Part 1
Terminal Kitchen Terminal
HolotapeH65 Holotape: Volunteer Training Program: Food - inside Kitchen Terminal in Flatwoods Tavern
HolotapeH44 Survivor Story: Tabitha on the table upstairs in Flatwoods Tavern
Main QuestM04 Second Helpings after finishing Thirst Things First in Flatwoods Tavern.
Other locations
HolotapeH45 Survivor Story: Kesha McDermott near the river, on the body in Flatwoods. During doing Thirst Things First Quest.
HolotapeH66 Holotape: I hate Flatwoods - in the tent, on camping site inside Flatwoods, below pillow.
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