The Forest Map for Fallout 76
Map of The Forest Region of Appalachia, West Virginia for Fallout 76 Video Game. The map contains all the locations you can visit in F76, Public Workshops, Player Stash Boxes, Vendors, Merchants and Traders locations, Treasure Maps Dig locations and Fissure Sites. A small-town, agricultural-forest area, helps you find the necessary provisions and equipment. The nearest town to Valut 76 is Flatwoods, followed by Morgantown and Charleston. The Forest zone is for players in the level range 1 - 10, monster are level range 1 - 10. This is starting zone, good for low level players.

Treasure Maps for The Forest
Look for full info at: The Forest Treasure Maps
Walkthrough for The Forest
001 Vault 76
You will find more info about Vault 76 in First Steps in Fallout 76
This is your starting location. Every new character you will create in Fallout 76 will appear here.
Terminal Personal Terminal
HolotapeH01 Holotape: Nuka Tapper - This is small game, it can be played on your Pip-Boy.
Pip-Boy take it.
Main QuestM01 Reclamation Day
Reclamation Day has finally arrived. It's time to leave the Vault and rebuild America!
Love Note There is Love Note in the canteen on the table, but it's not important.
When checking out more stations, collect items: Purified Water, Rad-X, Stimpack, Radaway, Building Supplies, Pen, Black Rim Glasses.
Terminal Overseer's Terminal
HolotapeH09 Holotape: Overseer's Log - Vault 76 - play it, eject and take it.
C.A.M.P. take it.
Terminal Personnel Terminal
Perk Cards take it
Terminal Security Terminal
Main QuestM02 First Contact - after you exit Vault 76.
The Overseer set up a C.A.M.P. south of the Vault. If I follow the road, I can probably locate it. Would be logical to set it up near the river, so I should head towards that intersection.
When you go outside Vault 76, on the right you will find the Responder's body which should provide you with the first weapon. A bit further there is parkinh where in the car wrecks you will find another equipment.
You can fight your first fight with simple bots.
Taking stairs to the south you will find Responders Corpse.
Orders from Maria Chavez note
Machete first, quite good at this level one hand melee weapon.
002 Moonshiner's Shack
Chemistry Station, Cooking Station, Weapons Workbench.
Some food to harvest.
003 North Kanawha Lookout
Cooking Station
Tower - Tower is guarded by group of quite strong mutants, so beware.
If you can defeat them, they have some equipment on them.
At the top of tower.
Responder's Note
Safe The key to the safe is located at the bottom, under the tower, at the roof of the portable toilet.
Approach the railing at the top of the tower and Survey Area to get map update.
New Locations: Gore Junkyard, Twin Pine Cabins, Gilman Lumber Mill, Landview Lighthouse, Wilson Brother's Auto Repair, Isolated Cabin.
At the base of the tower.
Safe Key at the roof of the portable toilet.
Small Wooden House near, Water Pump outside.
To get inside you have to crawl under the floor and jump up.
Safe under the floor, you will need bobby pins to open it.
Short Hunting Rifle inside house
Recipe: Dog Meat Steak
You have to learn this Recipe from Pip-Boy / Items / Notes.
Weapons Workbench
Guitar Sword lvl 15 - outside
Side QuestS01 Tune in to WGRF Grafton radio. - this quest will appear automatically when you approach WGRF Grafton Radio
Side QuestS02 Bureau of Tourism - after Tune in to WGRF Grafton radio
Talk to Grafton Mayor
004 Landview Lighthouse
Water Pump
Camping Site - some Feral Ghouls
HolotapeH61 Holotape: Where Am I? - on picknick table.
Lighthouse Keeper's House
Giant Teapot Advertisement
Side QuestS03 Visit the Giant Teapod - read Giant Teapot Advertisement
Bobblehead near Terminal (it is only possible location)
Terminal Lighthouse Keeper's Terminal
Safe you will need bobby pins to open it, or use Lighthouse Keeper's Terminal to unlock.
Recipe: Mutant Hund Stew
Brother Moncrief's Note
Air Sensor
Event QuestE03 Event: The Path to Enlighment - near lighthouse
005 Isolated Cabin
Cooking Station, Water Pump.
006 Wixon Homestead
Water Pump.
Safe outside house, below floor.
Enemy: few Scorcheds
Message to Sammy - reveals the location on the map
Three other buildings Tinker's Workbench, Weapons Workbench, Armor Workbench.
007 Gilman Lumber Mill
Some bugs, two friendly robots, Tinker's Workbench
A Job Opportunity - up the stairs, reveals the location on the map
008 Overseer's Camp
Cooking Station, Weapons Workbench, Armor Workbench
Side QuestS04 Craft a piece of Armor
Side QuestS05 Craft a Weapon
Overseer's Cache - stock for you from Overseer
HolotapeH10 Holotape: Overseer's Log - C.A.M.P. - Overseer's Camp
Player Stash Box this is your extended inventory container. If you hide items into this chest, nobody will take them away. You will be able to take these items from every STASH chest you find in the game world.
Event QuestE01 Event: The Messenger to west, west north of Camp.
Ensure Mr. Messenger gets to his destination to deliver his message. The Mr. Messenger robot needs someone to replace a nearby component that came loose so it can continue its task.
009 Green Country Lodge
HolotapeH62 Holotape: Gym Session Notes - in the gym
010 Flatwoods Lookout
On the way to Lookout there is small house with Armor Workbench. Before that house Ghoul Tent can be present, beware.
Bobby Pins - inside house.
There are some Weak Feral Ghouls outside tower. I found Forest Treasure Map #01 with them.
House near Tower
Come Back To Us - note inside house.
Recipe: Scrochbeast Mixed Meat Stew - on platform outside.
Some Weapons
Survey Area: Relay Tower EM-B1-27, New River Gorge Bridge - East, Slocum's Joe, Alpine River Cabins, Vault-Tec Agricultural Research Center.
Ranger Outfit
011 Relay Tower EM-B1-27
You can shot defences from range. Destroy Machine Gun Turrets and take what's left of them. There is also some stuff inside.
Use pins on map to discover
Gas Mask
Emergency Management System Relay Terminal you have to fix it, its for later quest.
Terminal Relay Tower Brodcast System you will need holotape to use it.
Fusion Core
012 Alpine River Cabins
All the "special effects" you hear and see in Alpine River Cabins come from a tree house that is located directly to the south on the mountain slope.
Terminal Terminal
Ghouls are walking between the buildings.
HolotapeH63 Alpine River Cabins Complaint - inside cabin
HolotapeH64 Rita - The Fire Breather - inside cabin
Alpine River Cabins Guestbook.
013 Twin Pine Cabins
Few enemies, few weapons.
Safe outside house
Magazine between two barrels inside house (it is only possible location)
014 Flatwoods
Vendor Bot (Trader)
For more info about Flatwoods look at Flatwoods
Event QuestE02 Event: Fertile Soil
015 Vault-Tec Agricultural Research Center
Side QuestS07 Personal Matters - After Listen to Overseer's Journal, Entry 1
HolotapeH30 Overseer's Journal, Entry 1 - in lobby of Vault-Tec Agricultural Research Center
Bobblehead in the bathroom in the urinal (it is only possible location)
Terminal MacFadden's Terminal
Terminal Compost Depot Termianal
Bobblehead in the fridge on the lower level (it is only possible location)
Terminal Agricultural Center Mainframe this is for Event: Fertile Soil, you can make robots friendly in here.
016 Anchor Farm
Some Ghouls, Armor Workbench.
You can get on first floor by jumping up.
US Government Supply Requisition (random drop) on ghoul, this is a quest starter.
Side QuestS08 Request Government Air Drop - start by random drop item US Government Supply Requisition.
US Government Supply Requisition holotapes have one-use codes that allow the request of a supply drop from any operational radio relay. But I need to repair the relay tower terminal in order to do that.
Plan: Wooden Crate
Metal Helmet
Metal Chest Plate
017 Transmission Station 1AT-U03
Air Sensor
Locked doors, you will need Bobby pins to open, Skill:0
Tinker's Workbench, some notes, trunk.
Snubnosed .44 Pistol
018 Tyler County Fairgrounds
Lot of stuff around some Ghouls. Tinker's Workbench is in separated building near road.
Side QuestS09 Jangles got lost at the fair - find him - enter Tyler County Fairgrounds
Jangles is a monkey in spacesuit, he is in red booth, on the ground, about center of location.
Recipe: Delbert's Corn Pone
Ammunition Vending Machine
Bobblehead near big ruined "bottle" building (it is only possible location)
Event QuestE04 Event: Leader of the Pack - near Tyler County Fairgrounds
Responders alert warned us that packs of wolves have been spotted in the forest. If we can eliminate the wolf pack leaders, we can draw out the alpha wolf.
Event QuestE05 Event: Wolf Horde: The Forest - after Event: Leader of the Pack.
Destroy the source of the Wolf horde before The Forest is completely infested.
019 Deathclaw Island
Use Rad-X before you enter river.
As the name says, it is an island inhabited by Deathclaws.
The one I met, dug out of the ground, had 21 lvl, a crown over name and he was fast and predatory. (I'll be back here the future)
020 Black Mountain Ordnance Works
Black Mountain Ordnance Works is an old, damaged warehouse for storage. The location consists of a main building (by the road), an open space behind it and 8 hidden structures in the field, reminiscent of earth mounds with steel doors.
Main Building
Recipe: Silt Bean Puree
Army Helmet
Terminal Terminal it will open Safe (below desk on the floor), and you can check content of 8 warehouses.
Safe on the floor
Short True Laser Pistol in the safe on teh floor.
Only Dome 2 and Dome 3 are active. You can check it out in the field, but it really is.
Cooking Station is near entrance to Dome 5. Dome 5 is SE of main building.
Dome 2
Dome 2 is South East of main building. You will need TNT Dome Key 2 to open it. You will find it later in game.
Dome 3
Dome 3 is North East East of main building. You have to pass road. You will need TNT Dome Key 3 to open it. You will find it later in game.
021 Marigold Pavilion
Cooking Station
Bobblehead inside house, upstairs, near the pole (it is only possible location)
022 Point Pleasant
The town is controlled by Scorcheds. They are lurking on the roofs. It's best to shoot them from a distance, going to the wheel before you enter the city.
Most of the houses are closed on ground level, action grows mainly on the roofs.
At the ground level, you can enter the Church
Some note inside
Safe Skill: 2
Medical Supplies Vending Machine
Chemistry Station
Near Church (left), there is truck below metal stairs, jump and climb up and open doors.
HolotapeH53 The Mothman Cometh - Part 2 Point Pleasant, room on high floor, you have to jump from car to metal stairs.
HolotapeH68 Interloper Point Pleasant, room on high floor, you have to jump from car to metal stairs.
Note: Wilson's Bros. Garage
Climb to the roof and check all upper locations, the move to another roofs.
Note: Leaving at Dawn
You can find lot of low level weapons on roofs and around.
Cooking Station
Recipe: Glowing Fungus Puree
Recipe: Infused Blood Leaf Tea
Check other roofs, one entrance is from bridge side, others are from ground level.
Police Uniform inside building on higher floors
Mothman Museum
Doors are locked Skill:1
Recipe: Mutant Hound Stew
Tinker's Workbench
Doors to next part of Museum are locked, Skill:2
Ground level
Ammunition Vending Machine
Power Armor Station - near bridge, ground level
Weapons Workbench x 2
Plan: Single-Acrion Revolver Ivory Grip
Casual Outfit
Padded Blue Jacket
Patched Three-Piece Suit
Greaser Jacked and Jeans
Power Armor T-45. Power Armor in Point Pleasant in on the roof of house in North part odf the city, near river. To reach thi splace you have to climb top of western bridbe and take plant to roof of this building.
023 Hunter's Ridge
This is an abandoned hunters' camp. After the records you can see that they were staying here, not necessarily acting friendly, but one day other even worse and stronger came and everything ended.
Hunter's Journal
Cooking Station, Armor Workbench
Note: Hunter's Warning - it shows location of Pleasant Valley Cabins - Raiders Camp.
Plan: Light Metal Arms
024 Hillfolk Hotdogs
Small trailer part with Cooking Station
025 Poseidon Power Substation PX-01
Scorcheds infested power sub station
Plan: Metal Tables
026 Silva Homestead
Several buildings and sheds scattered cultivated fields. Some dogs and Scorcheds.
Recipe, Safe lvl1, Tinker's Workbench, Power Armor Station, Weapons Workbench
Terminal Arktos Pharma Terminal
Black Powder Pistol on the top of ruined house near river
Power Armor T-51b in shed.
Next Safe is in the house to the south.
027 Kanawha County Cemetery
Chapel and tombs in the cemetery.
Ticks, Cooking Station
Safe skill 1 in guard house.
Pastor's Vestments on the top of church tower.
028 Ohio River Adventures
Small marina, cottage and boat.
Locked Toolchest Skill:0
Short Double-Barrel Shotgun, Weapons Workbench
Fisherman's Hat
Military Cap
029 Lewis & Sons Farming Supply
Scorcheds infested farmhouse
Chemistry Station
Bobblehead near cashdesk (it is only possible location)
Boxing Glove
Power Armor Station - in a shed
Bobblehead shed upstairs (it is only possible location)
030 Kanawha Nuka-Cola Plant
Quite a large location. Main entrance and flap in the ground to the underground from the west side, loading ramp from the south side.
The main building, underground and roof.
Lot of Feral Ghouls.
Fusion Core x2
Nuclear Waste lot of.
Locked Doors on the roof Skill:1, inside Safe: Skill:2
Power Armor Station - underground
Chemistry Station, Weapons Workbench
Locked Security Gate inside Skill:2
Locked Doors Skill:1
Safe Skill:3
Locked Locker - requires Nuka-Cola Locker Key
Terminal Current Product Status - will open safe below on the floor.
Safe Skill:3 - can be opened by Terminal near
Some Notes
Terminal Taste Testing Sing In
U-Mine-It! Vending Machine outside, near main entrance. You can buy maps to miners quest here.
Side QuestS10 Lucky Strike - starts with Miner's Map bought in U-Mine-It! Vending Machine near main entrance to Kanawha Nuka-Cola Plant.
Side QuestS11 - starts with Excavator's Map bought in U-Mine-It! Vending Machine near main entrance to Kanawha Nuka-Cola Plant.
Side QuestS12 - starts with Prospector's Map bought in U-Mine-It! Vending Machine near main entrance to Kanawha Nuka-Cola Plant.
031 Camp Adams Lookout
Climb Tower and Survey Area, Air Sensor
032 Camp Adams
Small Boy Scouts' camp infested with Super Mutants. Some notes, Cooking Station.
Magazine inside house, bathroom, on the floor (it is only possible location)
Magazine near campfire on the bench (it is only possible location)
Plan: Pocketed Leather Armor Limbs
Recipe: Mutant Hound Stew
Scoutbook: Fundraisers
Scoutbook: Meal Prep
033 The Giant Teapot
Event QuestE06 Event: Tea Time
Side QuestS13 Visit the Giant Teapot - starts with flyer or when visit Giant Teapot
Side QuestD01 Daily: Strange Brew - talk to Sweetwater in The Giant Teapot
I need to find some honey if I want to try out this special tea.
Weapons Workbench
STASH in Red Rocket
Bobblehead in house, upstairs in bathroom (it is only possible location)
034 Cow Spots Creamery
Tinker's Workbench, lot of Cream (food).
Safe Skill:0, under the desk
035 New River Gorge Bridge - West
Upper level and lower level. Some Feral Ghouls
Lower Level inside
Power Armor Station, Tinker's Workbench
Power Armor
Plan: Pocketed Leather Armor Limbs
Mechanic Jumpsuit
Welding Goggles
Plan: Basketball Hoop
036 Orwell Orchards
Safe Skill:0 x 2
Cheryl's Journal
Armor Workbench, Tinker's Workbench
037 New River Gorge Bridge - East
Doors are closed, you need East Bridge Key, it can be found on the bridge (middle) in lunch box.
Terminal Terminal
HolotapeH69 Carl's Note New River Gorge Bridge - East
Check pins on Map for new locations.
038 New River Gorge Resort
HolotapeH70 Jamey's Journal - November 2 New River Gorge Resort
Plan: Strengthened Raider Armor Limbs
To enter house with close doors, crawl below floor.
039 Sunshine Meadows Industrial Farm
040 Billings Homestead
041 Tyler County Dirt Track
042 Poseidon Energy Plant WV-06
043 Poseidon Energy Plant Yard
044 Charleston Trainyard
045 Charleston Station
Player Stash Box, Vendor Bot (Trader)
046 Camp McClintock
047 Sutton Station
Player Stash Box, Vendor Bot (Trader)
048 Sutton
Player Stash Box
049 East Kanawha Lookout
050 Slocum's Joe
051 Gauley Mine
052 Gorge Junkyard
053 Wilson Brother's Auto Repair
054 Morgantown Station
Player Stash Box, Vendor Bot (Trader)
055 Morgantown Trainyard
056 Morgantown Airport
Vendor Bot (Trader)
057 Portside Pub
058 Mama Dolce's Food Processing
059 Vault-Tec University
060 Morgantown
Player Stash Box
061 Morgantown High School
062 Darling Sister's Lab
063 Groves Family Cabin
064 Aaronholt Homestead
065 WV Lumber Co.
066 Arktos Pharma
067 Greg's Mine Supply
068 Bolton Greens
069 Relay Tower HN-B1-12
070 Horizon's Rest
071 White Powder Winter Sports
072 Tygart Water Treatment
073 Poseidon Power Substation PX-02
074 Summersville
075 New Gad
076 Overlook Cabin
077 Overlook Cabin
078 Hornwright Summer Villa
079 Torrance House
080 Burdette Manor
081 Sugarmaple
082 Riverside Manor
083 Summersville Dam
084 Summersville Docks
085 Wade Airport
086 Charleston Capitol Building
087 Charleston
088 Hornwright Industrial Headquarters
089 Charleston Herald
090 Helvetia
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