Savage Divide South Map for Fallout 76
Map of Southern Savage Divide Region of Appalachia, West Virginia for Fallout 76 Video Game. The map contains all the locations you can visit in F76, Public Workshops, Player Stash Boxes, Vendors, Merchants and Traders locations, Treasure Maps Dig locations and Fissure Sites. The difficult mountainous terrain is the place where you will find pre-war government installations. The Southern Savage Divide zone is for players in the level range 15 - 25, monster are level range 15 - 100.

Treasure Maps for Savage Divide
Look for full info at: Savage Divide Treasure Maps
Walkthrough for Savage Divide
300 Whitespring Lookout
301 The Whitespring Golf Club
302 The Whitespring Resort
Vendor Bot (Trader)
303 The Whitespring Service Entrance
304 The Whitespring Bunker
Vendor Bot (Trader)
305 The Whitespring Station
Player Stash Box, Vendor Bot (Trader)
306 Monongah Power Substation MZ-02
307 Blackwater Mine
308 Middle Mountain Cabins
309 The Vantage
310 Solomon's Pond
311 Twin Lakes
312 Investigator's Cabin
313 Emmett Mountain Disposal Site
314 Safe 'n Clean Disposal
315 New Appalachian Central Trainyard
316 98 NAR Regional
317 Cliffwatch
318 Beckwith Farm
319 Big Fred's BBQ Shack
320 Missile Silo Alpha
321 National Isolated Radio Array
322 West Tek Research Center
323 US-13C Bivouac
324 Ripper Alley
325 Huntersville
326 Devil's Backbone
327 The Freak Show
328 Monorail Elevator
329 Lucky Hole Mine
330 South Mountain Lookout
331 Spruce Knob
332 Spruce Knob Campground
333 Spruce Knob Lake
334 Spruce Knob Channels
335 R&G Station
Player Stash Box, Vendor Bot (Trader)
336 R&G Processing Services
337 Missile Silo Charlie
338 Mountainside Bed & Breakfast
339 Scenic Overlook
340 Federal Disposal Field HZ-21
341 Dent & Sons Construction
342 Vault 96
343 Lake Eloise
344 Relay Tower EL-B1-02
345 Johnson's Acre
346 Fort Defiance
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