Savage Divide North Map for Fallout 76
Map of Northern Savage Divide Region of Appalachia, West Virginia for Fallout 76 Video Game. The map contains all the locations you can visit in F76, Public Workshops, Player Stash Boxes, Vendors, Merchants and Traders locations, Treasure Maps Dig locations and Fissure Sites. Mountainous terrain, full of hard to reach backwoods. Before the war, a place known for tourism, currently we can still find the remains of the Top of The World Ski Resort. The Northern Savage Divide zone is for players in the level range 15 - 25, monster are level range 15 - 100.

Treasure Maps for Savage Divide
Look for full info at: Savage Divide Treasure Maps
Walkthrough for Savage Divide
400 South Cutthroat Camp
401 Pleasant Valley Station
Player Stash Box, Vendor Bot (Trader)
402 Pleasant Valley Ski Resort
Vendor Bot (Trader)
403 Pleasant Valley Cabins
404 Skullbone Vantage
405 Top of the World
406 North Cutthroat Camp
407 Central Mountain Lookout
408 Yellow Sandy's Still
409 The Sludge Hole
410 Wendigo Cave
411 Autumn Acre Cabin
412 Toxic Larry's Meat 'n Go
413 Seneca Gang Camp
414 Seneca Rocks
415 Seneca Rocks Visitor Center
Player Stash Box
416 ATLAS Observatory
417 Monongah
418 Monongah Power Plant Yard
419 Monongah Power Plant
420 Ingram Mansion
421 Monongah Overlook
422 Monongah Mine
423 Ammo Dump
424 Sons of Dane Compound
425 Relay Tower LW-B1-22
426 Sylvie & Sons Logging Camp
427 Hopewell Cave
428 Pumpkin House
429 Vault 94
430 Red Rocket Mega Stop
Player Stash Box
431 North Mountain Lookout
432 Sunnytop Ski Lanes Base Lodge
433 Sunnytop Ski Lanes
434 Sunnytop Station
Player Stash Box, Vendor Bot (Trader)
435 Monongah Power Substation MZ-01
436 Missile Silo Bravo
437 Palace of the Winding Path
438 Converted Munitions Factory
439 Bailey Family Cabin
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