SWTOR Datacron 83 | Illum | Galactic History 83: The Republic Rebuilds
Galactic History 83: The Republic Rebuilds - Datacron 83 on planet Illum, All faction in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Map of Datacron location and video walkthrough.
Datacron 83 Location
datacron: Aim +4
planet: Illum

Galactic History 83: The Republic Rebuilds
The secret manipulations of the Sith Triumvirate following the Jedi Civil War almost destroyed the Republic. With infrastructure crumbling and the Jedi Order nearly extinct--its Masters almost entirely slain, and its younger members slowly emerging from hiding--the future seemed bleak. But the Jedi Exile and the other heroes of the Jedi Civil War would not see the Republic fall.
With renewed treaties and alliances, trade gradually began to flow and the Republic military regained its strength. Meanwhile, the Exile trained new Jedi recruits, forming a council of her companions who achieved mastery and welcoming others who came out of hiding. After years of slow but steady growth, the reborn Jedi Order made a triumphant return to its long-abandoned temple on Coruscant.
But the Jedi Exile could not forget Darth Traya's final warning, suggesting that evil remained in the Unknown Regions. With the Jedi Order flourishing, the Exile left the known galaxy to follow her former commander Revan into darkness.
Youtube Datacron Walkthrough
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