SWTOR Datacron 76 | Voss | Galactic History 76: Revan is Remade
Galactic History 76: Revan is Remade - Datacron 76 on planet Voss, All faction in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Map of Datacron location and video walkthrough.
Datacron 76 Location
datacron: Strength +4
planet: Voss

Galactic History 76: Revan is Remade
Throughout Jedi history, the order has always refused to execute prisoners. When the wounded Darth Revan--the fallen Jedi responsible for countless deaths and acts of war--was captured, the Jedi Council saw an opportunity to stop Revan's successor, Darth Malak.
Using the Force, the Jedi reprogrammed Revan's mind with a new identity--that of an ordinary Republic citizen. Alongside Bastila Shan, a Jedi gifted in Battle Meditation, Revan began seeking out Rakata star maps, unwittingly retracing the path to the Star Forge battle station that served as Darth Malak's secret weapon.
Along the way, Revan retrained as a Jedi and learned of his terrible past. Aboard the Star Forge, he saved the life of Bastila Shan and faced Darth Malak in battle. Finally, Revan struck Malak down, ending a galactic threat and the Jedi Civil War.
Youtube Datacron Walkthrough
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