SWTOR Datacron 66 | Hoth | Galactic History 66: The Jedi Covenant
Galactic History 66: The Jedi Covenant - Datacron 66 on planet Hoth, All faction in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Map of Datacron location and video walkthrough.
Datacron 66 Location
datacron: Red Matrix Shard
planet: Hoth

Galactic History 66: The Jedi Covenant
The fall of Exar Kun and the destruction caused by the Great Sith War weighed heavily on the consciences of many Jedi. The Jedi seer Krynda Draay, who had lost her husband in the conflict, blamed herself for not foreseeing Exar Kun's corruption as a Sith Lord and decided to take action. Having trained the order's visionaries for years, she secretly created a Jedi Covenant without the Council's knowledge, binding the most powerful Jedi seers into a WatchCircle.
The Covenant's task was simple: Watch for Sith influences and eliminate them before they became a threat. Funded by Krynda Draay's vast family wealth, the Covenant quietly recruited Jedi--usually those believed missing in action--as its shadows and operatives and sought out Sith artifacts to destroy. Meanwhile, its seers remained vigilant, watching through the Force for any approaching evil.
Youtube Datacron Walkthrough
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