SWTOR Datacron 46 | Alderaan | Galactic History 46: Nadd's Legacy
Galactic History 46: Nadd's Legacy - Datacron 46 on planet Alderaan, All faction in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Map of Datacron location and video walkthrough.
Datacron 46 Location
datacron: Strength +4
planet: Alderaan

Galactic History 46: Nadd's Legacy
Once ruled by the Sith Lord Freedon Nadd, Onderon had gained a dark reputation. Master Arca Jeth sent three Jedi, including the brothers Ulic and Cay Qel-Droma, to act as stewards of the planet and bring peace to its people. When the Jedi arrived, Onderon's ruler--Queen Amanoa--begged for the Jedi's help in protecting her people from the warrior Beast Riders, who soon captured her daughter Galia.
Upon investigating, the Jedi learned the truth: Galia and the Beast Rider warlord Oron Kira had arranged the abduction together, planning to marry and unite their warring cultures. Queen Amanoa was actually a descendant of Freedon Nadd, strong in the dark side, and the Jedi were among her enemies.
The queen's forces battled with those of the Beast Riders and the Jedi. Cay Qel-Droma lost his arm in the fighting, and only the arrival of Arca Jeth--who used battle meditation to turn the battle in the Jedi's favor--saved Onderon. With Queen Amanoa's defeat, Galia and Oron Kira began rebuilding their world.
Youtube Datacron Walkthrough
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