SWTOR Datacron 44 | Alderaan | Galactic History 44: The Jedi Nomi
Galactic History 44: The Jedi Nomi - Datacron 44 on planet Alderaan, All faction in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Map of Datacron location and video walkthrough.
Datacron 44 Location
datacron: Endurance +3
planet: Alderaan

Galactic History 44: The Jedi Nomi
Born Nomi Da-Boda, Nomi was the wife of the Jedi Knight Andur. She had no interest in developing her natural gifts in the Force, preferring to care for their daughter, Vima. But when they were ambushed by thugs and Andur was killed, Nomi saw his spirit urging her to pick up his lightsaber and defend their daughter. Reluctantly taking up the weapon, Nomi skillfully fought the thugs off and later left for the planet Ambria to train under Master Thon.
While on Ambria, Nomi discovered she had a talent for battle meditation--the Jedi gift of influencing and inspiring others through the Force--but never lost her trepidation at wielding a lightsaber. Nevertheless, Nomi's Masters foresaw that she would have an important role to play in the galaxy, which came to fruition with the rise of the Krath cult.
Youtube Datacron Walkthrough
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