SWTOR Datacron 43 | Alderaan | Galactic History 43: The Great Droid Revolution
Galactic History 43: The Great Droid Revolution - Datacron 43 on planet Alderaan, All faction in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Map of Datacron location and video walkthrough.
Datacron 43 Location
datacron: Aim +4
planet: Alderaan

Galactic History 43: The Great Droid Revolution
Debate had been raging in the Republic over the issue of droid rights: Did droids deserve the same treatment as organic beings, and was owning droids tantamount to slavery? This question was rendered moot when a Czerka-built assassin droid, HK-01, went rogue and began reprogramming other droids to rise up against their masters, in what would be called the Great Droid Revolution.
Republic citizens, surrounded by thousands of rogue droids--every model, from protocol to sanitation to battle units--found themselves at the mercy of their former servants. Several planets were subjugated in the name of the droid rebellion, until the signal controlling the droids was traced.
Following the signal, a team of Jedi destroyed HK-01, returning the rogue droids to their original programming. The relieved Republic returned to normal, and the issue of droid rights was not raised again.
Youtube Datacron Walkthrough
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