SWTOR Datacron 4 | Coruscant | Galactic History 4: King Adas
Galactic History 4: King Adas - Datacron 4 on planet Coruscant, Republic faction in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Map of Datacron location and video walkthrough.
Datacron 4 Location
datacron: Endurance +2
planet: Coruscant, faction: Republic

Galactic History 4: King Adas
The ancient Sith on Korriban--not an order of Force users, but a distinct species native to the planet--were distinctive for their yellow eyes and blood-red skin. But the warrior Adas was unlike his brothers; his skin was jet-black and he towered over his fellow Sith. Through violence and cunning, he fought his way to become ruler of the Sith and united their nations through a bloody war. He later took the title "Sith'ari," meaning "overlord."
King Adas's ascension may have been helped by an untrained Force sensitivity. Certainly Adas was long-lived; his reign lasted three hundred years, and only came to an end when the Infinite Empire launched an assault on Korriban. The title Sith'ari remains a key tenet of Sith lore, eventually coming to refer to a perfect being in Sith philosophy.
Youtube Datacron Walkthrough
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