SWTOR Datacron 36 | Nar Shaddaa | Galactic History 36: The Quarren-Mon Calamari War
Galactic History 36: The Quarren-Mon Calamari War - Datacron 36 on planet Nar Shaddaa, All faction in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Map of Datacron location and video walkthrough.
Datacron 36 Location
datacron: Yellow Matrix Shard
planet: Nar Shaddaa

Galactic History 36: The Quarren-Mon Calamari War
Although the Quarren and Mon Calamari both evolved on the watery world of Dac, it was millennia before the two species encountered each other. Unfortunately, initial contact went badly and the Quarren declared war. The Mon Calamari had a technological and intellectual advantage, but the Quarren repeatedly refused any overtures of peace. Eventually, the Quarren were driven to near-extinction.
But the Mon Calamari had no wish to exterminate their cousins. In a bold social experiment, the Mon Calamari took young Quarren into their society and taught them civilization, mathematics and the sciences. When these young Quarren returned to their people, they had nothing in common with their primitive fellows. Within twenty years, they had become the dominant force in Quarren society, and eventually sought peace with the Mon Calamari.
Youtube Datacron Walkthrough
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