SWTOR Datacron 28 | Balmorra | Galactic History 28: The Battle at Primus Goluud
Galactic History 28: The Battle at Primus Goluud - Datacron 28 on planet Balmorra, Empire faction in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Map of Datacron location and video walkthrough.
Datacron 28 Location
datacron: Aim +2
planet: Balmorra, faction: Empire

Galactic History 28: The Battle at Primus Goluud
Toward the end of the Great Hyperspace War, besieged on all sides by the forces of Naga Sadow's Sith Empire, the Republic prepared for a last, desperate stand at the red giant Primus Goluud. Sadow's fleet clashed with the might of the Republic Navy, while Sith forces fought the Jedi on the surface of Coruscant itself.
Gav Daragon, who had been fooled into becoming Naga Sadow's servant, led the assault on his homeworld, Koros Major. When one of his friends was killed, Gav realized Sadow had been manipulating him, and defected to the Republic. Alongside Empress Teta's forces, he joined the battle at Primus Goluud.
Trapped, Sadow used a superweapon to explode the red giant. Sadow's forces escaped into hyperspace before the shockwave hit; Gav Daragon was killed, but not before he had transmitted Korriban's coordinates to Empress Teta and the Republic fleet.
Youtube Datacron Walkthrough
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