SWTOR Datacron 20 | Dromund Kaas | Galactic History 20: Chancellor Blotus
Galactic History 20: Chancellor Blotus - Datacron 20 on planet Dromund Kaas, Empire faction in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Map of Datacron location and video walkthrough.
Datacron 20 Location
datacron: Endurance +2
planet: Dromund Kaas, faction: Empire

Galactic History 20: Chancellor Blotus
After the Pius Dea Crusades, the Republic stagnated, forced to rebuild alliances Pius Dea had damaged. However, during the Rianitus Period, the Republic began to enjoy prosperity again under a new Supreme Chancellor, Blotus the Hutt.
Blotus had been the administrator of a network of mining worlds that split from the remnants of the former Hutt Empire. He and his worlds applied for Republic membership, and although tensions between Hutts and the Republic remained, Blotus proved both competent and popular in the Galactic Senate. He was eventually elected Supreme Chancellor by an overwhelming majority, and his position was solidified when his tax breaks for independent traders brought Coruscant into an economic boom and improved trade throughout the Core Worlds.
Blotus served a 275-year term and died peacefully in his sleep at the age of 912. His rule would be remembered with affection for centuries; even today, his favorite chair in the Senate tower's lounge is traditionally left empty.
Youtube Datacron Walkthrough
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