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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Walkthrough & Maps

VESEMIR - Witcher 3

VESEMIR - Witcher 3. Heroes and key figures we encounter on our journey in the world of Witcher 3

VESEMIR in Witcher 3
VESEMIR in Witcher 3


Vesemir was the oldest living member of the Wolf School and most likely the oldest witcher of any school on the Continent.

About as long in years as the ruins of Kaer Morhen themselves and though eternally complaining about his creaky bones, this master of the witcher trade gave no thought to a well-deserved retirement. Gray but still spry, he continued to ply the monster hunting trade into his golden years - effectively, too, as he'd seen more beasts than all his students put together.

A harsh and demanding instructor in Geralt's youth, over the years he had become something of an adoptive father and mentor to the other witchers, always ready to help with sage advice and steady hands.

In the spring of 1272, when our story begins, Vesemir had joined Geralt on his search for Yennefer, trekking with him through war-ravaged Temeria.

Vesemir always said no witcher had ever died in his own bed, so death in combat surely awaited him as well. Death's waiting ended on the mournful day when the Wild Hunt descended on Kaer Morhen in pursuit of Ciri.

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