Temmin Wexley NPC Character in Star Wars Outlaws
Temmin Wexley is The Scavenger Expert, one of the NPC characters you will meet while playing Star Wars Outlaws.

Temmin Wexley
Temmin Wexley is The Scavenger Expert located on Akiva.
Temmin Wexley is an Akivan boy whose father was arrested by Imperial forces for carrying messages for the Rebel Alliance. Temmin was left on Akiva by his mother Nora who joined the rebels as a transport pilot. While he was left in the care of his aunt Esmelle and her partner, Temmin has insisted on living alone in his family home, scavenging droid parts and working on various projects.
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NPC Characters in Star Wars Outlaws.

The Scavenger
The Scavenger Expert Quest Walkthrough Star Wars Outlaws