Rage 2 Arks: Locations, Weapons and Nanotrites
Location of Arks in Rage 2, Vineland Ark, Junkers Pass Ark, Quake Hill Ark, Great Crack Ark, Earthscar Ark, Strongbox Ark, Canyon Cove Ark, Shrouded Vault Ark, Dealypipe Ark, Spikewind Ark, Dank Catacomb, Needle Falls Ark, Greenhaven Ark, Rage 2 Maps & Game Guide.

While in the Wasteland, you can use FOCUS (hold [Ctrl] on PC) to locate undiscovered ARKs. Look to the horizon and follow the nanotrite beams given off by the ARKs to locate them. ARKs contain new NANOTRITE ABILITIES and WEAPONS.
Vineland Ark
Enemy Difficulty: 1
Dash Nanotrite Ability quick Nanotrite propelled dodge. Use during combat to throw off the enemy's aim or to evade incoming attacks.
Junkers Pass Ark
Enemy Difficulty: 2
Shatter Nanotrite Ability Lunge towards targets and unleash a strong kinetic SHATTER that sends enemies flying and breaks armor.
Quake Hill Ark
Enemy Difficulty: 2
Vortex Nanotrite Ability Deploy a singularity that pulls in nearby enemies. Step into the VORTEX to launch yourself into the air.
Great Crack Ark
Enemy Difficulty: 3
Grav-Jump Nanotrite Ability Use your GRAV-JUMP booster to give you an extra burst of lift while in the air.
Earthscar Ark
Enemy Difficulty: 3
Slam Nanotrite Ability A SLAM that generates a powerful kinetic shockwave. Damage and range increases with height.
Strongbox Ark
Enemy Difficulty: 4
Smart Rocket Launcher Weapon Fires High Explosive missiles. Aim to lock onto targets. WARNING - safeties have been deactivated.

Canyon Cove Ark
Enemy Difficulty: 5
Defibrillation Nanotrite Ability Save yourself from death by discharging electrical shocks to the heart. Automatically activates while dying.
Shrouded Vault Ark
Enemy Difficulty: 6
Charged Pulse Cannon Weapon Fire super-heated energy bolts at your enemies and melt faces.

Dealypipe Ark
Enemy Difficulty: 6
Rush Nanotrite Ability A brief sprint boost that is useful for both offense and defense.
Spikewind Ark
Enemy Difficulty: 6
Barrier Nanotrite Ability Raise an energy BARRIER that blocks bullets and explosions.
Dank Catacomb
Enemy Difficulty: 7
Firestorm Revolver Weapon Short range, powerful gun, with incendiary rounds that attach themselves to whatever they hit. Use alternate fire mode to light up your target.

Needle Falls Ark
Enemy Difficulty: 7
Grav-Dart Laucher Weapon Spray the target full of grav-darts - then throw them around like ragdolls.

Greenhaven Ark
Enemy Difficulty: 10
Hyper Cannon Weapon Can be fired with a single trigger pull, but when aimed, it can be charged before launching to devastating effect. Best used as a first strike weapon over range.

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