Neverwinter Level Range Map
Neverwinter Level Range Map


Protector's Enclave is main hub, quests will lead you beck here after completing every map.
Locations and level range in Neverwinter
- Protector's Enclave : 1 - 60 lvl
- Blacklake District : 6 - 9 lvl
- Tower District : 10 - 20 lvl
- Blackdagger Ruins : 21 - 25 lvl
- Neverdeath Graveyard : 26 - 30 lvl
- Helm's Hold : 31 - 34 lvl
- Ebon Downs : 35 - 37 lvl
- Vellosk : 38 - 41 lvl
- Pirates' Skyhold : 42 - 45 lvl
- Icespire Peak : 46 - 48 lvl
- The Chasm : 49 - 51 lvl
- Rothe Valley : 52 - 55 lvl
- Mount Hotenow : 56 - 58 lvl
- Whispering Caverns : 59 - 60 lvl
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