Gorecci Street Map
Gorecci Street Map of location in Port Maje Region in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire Video Game.


Quest Starter

Quest Giver


Party Member

Neutral NPC

Hostile Enemy

Hostile Boss

Exit, Entrance

Locked Chest

Items, Loot


Hidden Secret


Main Location

Other Location
I've reached Gorecci Street. Now I just have to find Ilari. [Restoring Order]
As you make your way along through the side streets of Port Maje, you come upon visible traces of the storm's passing.
Many of the houses here boast cracked window panes and sagging awnings, and you pass narrow streets strewn with foliage and debris. The cobblestones beneath your feet are still slick with water and silt.
Before long you are ankle-deep in sucking mud and loose stones.
The flooding only worsens up ahead, where the water level rises to the knees. Most of Port Maje's residents have fled this region for dry land.
But the murmur of raised voices ahead, and the occasional splash, suggest that you are not entirely alone.
01 Entrance from Port Maje Harbor
Roparu Worker ghost
Talk to him [The Lantern of Gaun]
I was attacked by several looters, but none of them matched Ilari's description. [Restoring Order]
04 Secret
Protective Eothasian Charm
Mother of Pearl
Commoner ghost
Talk to him [The Lantern of Gaun]
Ilari [Restoring Order]
I convinced Ilari to take charge of Gorecci Street and prevent any more looting.
Return to Savia
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