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- Baldur's Gate 3 Map
- Secluded Cove
Secluded Cove Map Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)
Secluded Cove Map Baldur's Gate 3

Discovered and described map of Secluded Cove in Baldur's Gate 3 with all locations for map completion as NPCs, Companions, Quest Starters, Waypoints, significant items, weapons, equipment and Secrets, (BG3) BG3 Map and Guide.
Secluded Cove Map s a secondary location that can be accessed from Druid Grove.
Secluded Cove Map
Entrance from Druid Grove
Jump for Bird's Nest
Bird's Nest in Sacred Pool.
Alfira NPC she lacks inspiration to finish the song, talk to her.
Spar NPC and Corinna NPC squirrels, use Speak with Animals to understand them.
Help Alfir to play, take the second lute from her and play together until the end of the song. Use PERFORMANCE.
Lihala's Lute you will receive it as a reward.
Alfira will visit you at Camp. Alfira is part of the dark path and The Dark Urge
Behind the column is a chest with Cap of Curing.
Secluded Cove
Approaching the shore you hear magical music, you see a boy standing on the beach, approach him.
Investigate the BeachDRUIDS GROVE QUEST
Investigate the music. We heard strange music on the beach. Where is it coming from? Help the child. We discovered a tiefling child in a strange trance.
Mirkon NPC
Mirkon is dazed by the music and walks towards the water and the Harpies hunting him.
Harpies x 4ENEMY
You can't let Mirkon die.
Kill Harpies and talk to Mirkon.
Quest Update Investigate the Beach Find Doni. The child said we should pay a visit to Mol. We should tell a child named Doni that we want to see the Dragon's Lair.
Dirt Mound
Harpy Nest
Ring of Colour Spray
Wooden Chest
You can enter here from Druids Grove.
Return to Druids Grove
Secluded Cove Quest
List of Main Quests, Companion Quests and othe Quests starting in Secluded Cove Baldur's Gate 3.
Investigate the Beach Druids' Grove Quest
- Investigate the music.
- We heard strange music on the beach. Where is it coming from?
- Help the child.
- We discovered a tiefling child in a strange trance.
- Defeat the harpies.
- Harpies appeared and attacked us.
- Speak with the child.
- We rescued the child from the harpies. He is alive and well.
- Find Doni.
- The child said we should pay a visit to Mol. We should tell a child named Doni that we want to see the Dragon's Lair.
- Find Mol.
- Doni revealed a hatch and opened it for us - the 'Dragon's Lair' must be below.
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