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- Baldur's Gate 3 Map
- Ravaged Beach
Ravaged Beach Map Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)
Ravaged Beach Map Baldur's Gate 3

Discovered and described map of Ravaged Beach in Baldur's Gate 3 with all locations for map completion as NPCs, Companions, Quest Starters, Waypoints, significant items, weapons, equipment and Secrets, (BG3) BG3 Map and Guide.
Ravaged Beach Map also known as Nautiloid Crash Region will let you find next Companions Astarion and Gale also meet again Shadowheart and Lae'zel, get related to them Companion Quest, find Camp your home base while exploring the world of Baldur's Gate 3, familiarize yourself with Thieves' Tools and Trap Disarm Toolkit, find the secret to which Harper's Map leads, visit the first Dank Crypt and Refectory dungeons and continue the Main Quest "Find a Cure" to find a way to remove the mind flayer parasite.
Ravaged Beach Map
Ravaged Beach is the second location you reach in your adventure in Baldur's Gate 3. This is where the Nautiloid crashes. Your main goal at this point in the story is to find a way to remove the mind flayer parasite.
Falling off the Nautiloid
This is where you spawn after falling off the Nautiloid ship. You are alone, start by searching your surroundings and finding your Companions and other survivors of the disaster.
Find a way to remove the mind flayer parasite. We've escaped the Hells on the nautiloid and crashed somewhere back in the Material Plane. We need to explore the area and find a healer.
Collect all plants, open chests, search corpses.
When exploring locations in Baldur's Gate 3, you must always collect all the plants and items you find on your way. Take it as a rule of thumb. I will not write it every time, I will only point it out in places where something may escape our attention.
Use Left Alt to higlight lootable containers and items.
You find an unconscious Shadowheart on the ground. He is holding an Artifact that you will not be able to see, it is related to the Shadowheart Companion Quest "Daughter of Darkness". For now, revive her, add her to the party, talk to her about it later in the game.
Daughter of DarknessCOMPANION QUEST
Continue travelling with Shadowheart. We recruited a half-elf named Shadowheart. She was also aboard the nautiloid - and infected with a parasite.
Search the coast
Search the coast and collect everything you find.
Perfumed Letter you will find the author of the letter later in the game.
Thieves' Tools Thieves' Tools enable you to open locks based on a Sleight of Hand Check. The tools break on an unsuccessful attempt. Thieves' Tools are very important in the game, so collect every set you find.
Overgrown Ruins Waypoint
Specific locations across Faerûn are marked with glowing transportation sigils - Waypoints. Canny adventurers can use these Waypoints to immediately travel to locations they've been to before.
You have found the first Waypoint, so you can move to your Camp.
Jump up
Use "Jump" to get to a higher platform, there is chest there.
Nautiloid interior
Defeat your opponents and search everything thoroughly.
Meet Astarion
You meet a figure standing in the way, Astarion is your next Companion.
AstarionCOMPANION talk to him and add him to your team.
Astarion is Hight Elf Rogue, Astarion is very useful for opening locked doors and chests.

Astarion Companion
Baldur's Gate 3
Continue travelling with Astarion. We met a strange elf who had also been infected with a parasite. He was hostile at first, but agreed to join us when he learned we were infected too.
Open the locked Wooden Trunk.
Collect everything you find in the containers around the cart.
Thieves' Tools is one of the things you'll find.
Using Astarion, his abilities and Thieves' Tools, open the locked chest.
Jump over the water.
Jump down to the beach and jump across the water to the other side.
Scuffed Rock and Treasure
There is Scuffed Rock, move it. Don't use spells or skills, choose the strongest member of your team and grab the stone with the mouse (I don't know how to do it on the console :)) and move it to reveal the treasure chest.
There is Harper's Map there, read it. You will see new location on you main map leading to "Secret". In this location you will find a mysterious "CACHE". We'll deal with that later, cache is in (19).
Dying Mind Flayer
The dying Mind Flayer will try to take control of you, "wrestle him" and shorten his agony.
Save Gale
Gale is stuck in the Ancient Sigil Circle, pull him out, talk to him and convince him to join your party.
GaleCOMPANION will become your next Companion.
Gale is Human Wizard.

Gale Companion
Baldur's Gate 3
The Wizard of WaterdeepCOMPANION QUEST
Continue travelling with Gale. A wizard named Gale joined the party. He claims to have been on the nautiloid - which means he's infected too.
Roadside Cliffs Waypoint
Free Lae'zel
You meet Lae'zel again, she's trapped in a cage. The two tieflings Damays and Nymessa contemplate what to do with Lae'zel. Try to solve the problem peacefully without fighting convinced the tieflings to leave Lae'zel with us.
Use PERSUASION, and when tieflings gone, shot cage with bow.
Inspiration Astarion
Resolve the conflict. We found Lae'zel, the githyanki from the nautiloid, trapped in a hanging cage. Two tieflings are deciding what to do with her.

Lae'zel Companion
Baldur's Gate 3
The Githyanki WarriorCOMPANION QUEST
Find Zorru. The githyanki warrior Lae'zel has joined our party, and promised we could be cleansed of our parasites at a Githyanki Crèche. A tiefling named Zorru has seen other githyanki. We should find him and ask him what he knows.
Find a Cure: Get Help from Healer NettieMAIN QUEST
Find the healer Nettie. There's a camp nearby where someone named Nettie can supposedly heal any wound. She might be able to help remove the parasite.
Find a Cure: Find the Githyanki CrècheMAIN QUEST
Find Zorru. Lae'zel told us that the githyanki should be able to cure us, if we can find one of their crèches. Someone named Zorru should know more.
Shovel and Dirt Mound
You find a Shovel, a shovel will be very useful because it allows you to dig up Dirt Mounds and extract the chests inside.
Emerald Grove Environs Waypoint
Battle with the Goblins
As you approach the gate leading to Emerald Grove, you see a skirmish between Goblins and Tieflings. You join the fight on the side of the Tieflings. The fight will not be difficult. After the fight, collect the items from the corpse, but don't enter Emerald Grove yet.
Way to Hidden Camp
Jump, climb Cragged Rock, climb the ladder and get to the hidden camp.
Hidden Camp
Here you will find the mysterious CACHE mentioned on the Harper's Map from (10). Inside Cache you will find Trap Disarm Toolkit which will come in very handy in the Dank Crypt on opening Sarcophagus.
Inspiration Rocky Crevice Use NATURE and ANIMAL HANDLING to take Pouch from spiders nest.
A skeleton by the fire got Silver Pendant necklace, with Moon and Harp on it. Don't lose it, you'll still need it in the future..
Chapel Entrance
Chapel Entrance leads to a separate story related to exploring the Dank Crypt and Refectory dungeons, related to "Explore the Ruins" Quest. These locations are described on the Dank Crypt Map and Refectory Map pages.
Hatch Entrance to Dank Crypt
This location is described on Dank Crypt Map.
Main Entrance to Dank Crypt
This location is described on Dank Crypt Map.
Main Entrance to Refectory
This location is described on Refectory Map.
Side Entrance to Refectory
This location is described on Refectory Map.
After finish Dank Crypt and Refectory go to Gate to Emerald Grove (26)
Gate to Emerald Grove
This location is described on Emerald Grove Map.
The next location after Ravaged Beach is Emerald Grove because Main Quests lead us there.
Doors to Underground Passage
This location is described on Emerald Grove Map.
Way to Blighted Village
This location is described on Blighted Village Map.
Ravaged Beach Quest
List of Main Quests, Companion Quests and othe Quests starting in Ravaged Beach Baldur's Gate 3.
Find a Cure Main Quest
- Find a way to remove the mind flayer parasite.
- We've escaped the Hells on the nautiloid and crashed somewhere back in the Material Plane. We need to explore the area and find a healer.
- There's a healer named Nettie in a camp nearby. Maybe she can help us.
- There could be several ways to get rid of the parasite. Lae'zel, the githyanki who helped us escape the nautiloid, thinks finding a Githyanki Crèche is our best solution.
- We found people taking refuge in a grove. We should explore it - there might be a healer inside.
- An old woman told us she could help us with our tadpole problem. We should follow up on this.
- We learned that the leader of the druids is a powerful healer named Halsin. He might be able to help us remove the parasite.
- We met some cultists who worship a deity called the Absolute. One of them could telepathically communicate with us - which means they were infected too.
- Nettie couldn't help us. Instead, she tried to poison us with deadly venom - hoping to kill us before we turned into mind flayers.
- A goblin priestess apparently possesses some powerful healing spells. She might be able to help.
Find a Cure: Get Help from Healer Nettie Main Quest
- Find the healer Nettie.
- There's a camp nearby where someone named Nettie can supposedly heal any wound. She might be able to help remove the parasite.
- When we asked about healing, we were told to look for Nettie in the Inner Sanctum.
- Follow Nettie.
- We told Nettie about the parasite. She seemed concerned and asked us to follow her to another room for treatment.
- Nettie tried to poison us, but we managed to talk her out of it. She let us go, but she made us promise to kill ourselves if we started to turn.
Find a Cure: Find the Githyanki Crèche Main Quest
- Find Zorru.
- Lae'zel told us that the githyanki should be able to cure us, if we can find one of their crèches. Someone named Zorru should know more.
- Find the Githyanki patrol.
- We learned of a githyanki patrol to the northwest. They might be able to lead us to their crèche.
Free Lae'zel Nautiloid Crash Region Quest
- Resolve the conflict
- We found Lae'zel, the githyanki from the nautiloid, trapped in a hanging cage. Two tieflings are deciding what to do with her.
- Lae'zel said she knew of a cure for the parasite. We won't find out what it is unless we help her get rid of the tieflings.
- Free Lae'zel.
- We convinced the tieflings to leave Lae'zel with us.
- Recruit Lae'zel.
- Lae'zel has been released from the cage. We should speak with her.
- We invited Lae'zel to our camp.
Daughter of Darkness Companion Quest
- Continue travelling with Shadowheart.
- We recruited a half-elf named Shadowheart. She was also aboard the nautiloid - and infected with a parasite.
The Pale Elf Companion Quest
- Continue travelling with Astarion.
- We met a strange elf who had also been infected with a parasite. He was hostile at first, but agreed to join us when he learned we were infected too.
The Wizard of Waterdeep Companion Quest
- Continue travelling with Gale.
- A wizard named Gale joined the party. He claims to have been on the nautiloid - which means he's infected too.
The Githyanki Warrior Companion Quest
- Find Zorru.
- The githyanki warrior Lae'zel has joined our party, and promised we could be cleansed of our parasites at a Githyanki Crèche. A tiefling named Zorru has seen other githyanki. We should find him and ask him what he knows.
- Search for signs of a Githyanki Crèche near the mountain pass in the northwest.
- We spoke to Zorru. He told us he saw githyanki on the road to Baldur's Gate, near a mountain pass in the northwest. We should travel there with Lae'zel.
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