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- Baldur's Gate 3 Map
- Dank Crypt
Dank Crypt Map Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)
Dank Crypt Map Baldur's Gate 3

Discovered and described map of Dank Crypt in Baldur's Gate 3 with all locations for map completion as NPCs, Companions, Quest Starters, Waypoints, significant items, weapons, equipment and Secrets, (BG3) BG3 Map and Guide.
Dank Crypt and Refectory Dungeons
The ruins of the Chapel with the underground located in the north-eastern part of Ravaged Beach is the first dungeon you will find in Baldur's Gate 3. The whole consists of:
- Chapel Entrance the part located on the surface, where you will find 4 entrances to the underground, you will receive the "Explore the Ruins" Quest and where you will meet the first group of bandits looting the ruins of the chapel.
- Dank Crypt the essential part of the dungeon, which is the main goal of our quest, here you will find the ending of the "Explore the Ruins" Quest, a powerful ally and loot.
- Refectory an additional part of the dungeon, with its own entrances from the surface, giving an alternative way to the Dank Crypt, allowing you to deal with the second group of bandits and collect additional loot.
Four ways inside the Dank Crypt
Regardless of which way you choose to complete the "Explore the Ruins" Quest, I suggest that you explore all available 4 entrances, all locations, chests and tombs.
- (D1) Hatch Entrance to Dank Crypt the shortest way to the goal.
- High lockpicking skills required
- You are not visiting Refectory
- You only visit the most important part of Dank Crypt
- You avoid fighting the second group of bandits
- You avoid the traps
- (D2) Main Entrance to Dank Crypt if you can't handle the lock in (D1) Hatch Entrance.
- Some lockpicking skills required
- Lot of traps
- You are not visiting Refectory
- You avoid fighting the second group of bandits
- (R1) Main Entrance to Refectory if you are afraid of traps and have trouble picking locks.
- You have to convince the bandits to open the door for you
- You visit Refectory
- You have to defeat the second group of bandits
- You avoid traps
- You open the door with secret switches
- (R2) Side Entrance to Refectory this way requires the least skill.
- You do not talk to bandits to open doors
- You visit Refectory
- You have to defeat the second group of bandits
- You avoid traps
- You open the door with secret switches
Explore the Ruins Quest
- Find a way into the ruins.
- We met some bandits near some ruins. They've been trying to break into a crypt - with no success. Whatever they're after is probably still inside.
- Investigate the ruins.
- We found a way into the abandoned ruins.
- We've entered some ruins through an underground cave. There are bound to be some interesting artefacts down here.
- Open the sarcophagus.
- We found a large sarcophagus hidden in the ruins. Who lies within?
- Talk to the strange figure.
- A strange figure emerged from one of the sarcophagi we opened. Seems like he has something to say.
- The strange figure said he would see us again soon. He was probably the ruins' greatest secret, but there's no harm in checking for more valuables.
Dank Crypt Map
The main task on Dank Crypt Map is to complete the Explore the Ruins Quest.
Approaching Chapel Entrance
Approaching the ruins of the Chapel, you see bandits trying to get inside. Second group of bandits are already inside Refectory and First group are still on the surface.
Find a way into the ruins We met some bandits near some ruins. They've been trying to break into a crypt - with no success. Whatever they're after is probably still inside.
You don't have to fight the First Bandit Group on the surface. When you start talking to them, you will see many dialogue options to discourage them from fighting. Send them off and start exploring Chapel Entrance.
Thoroughly search the Chapel Entrance area (on the surface) and collect all items around you will find Torch and Thieves' Tools you will use inside.
Hatch Entrance to Dank Crypt
Use D1 entrance. Astarion should be able to open the Hatch using Thieves' Tools with a bit of luck (saving and loading the game). If you are unable to, check Four ways inside the Dank Crypt.
Iron Ladder
Lever to pull leadder if you come from bottom.
Dank Crypt Main Room
With a torch you can light all the candles and chandeliers. Collect loot from all corpses
Secret Button
If your PERCEPTION is high enough, you will see a hidden Button. Save your game before pressing it.
Press the Button, now you will have to fight Entombed Scribes, when you defeat them the door to (04) will open, enter there.
Withers Sarcophagus
Let Shadowheart take the lead, let her do the next steps.
Open Sarcophagus with "Here lies the Guardian of Tombs" written on it.
Withers NPC talk to him peacefully.
Let Withers ask Shadowheart a question.
Correct answer to the Withers question is: "Each life is of infinite value and merits sacrificing everything for."
Withers is pleased with the answer and announces that you will meet him soon. You will meet him at your Camp.
After you finish successfully "Explore the Ruins" Quest in Ravaged Beach, Withers will join your Camp.
Withers is a strange wraith that commands many powers: he allows you to resurrect allies, hire help (Hirelings), and change your class. For a price, of course.
This is the end of Explore the Ruins Quest, you can go out using (D1) or check rest of dungeon.
Take Soul Coin and other nice stuff from sarcophagus and containers in this room.
The Amulet of Lost Voices will alow you "Speak with Dead".

Speak with Dead
Baldur's Gate 3
Heavy Key
Heavy Key on corpse.
Side Room
Book of Dead Gods read it, use STRENGTH to open it and RELIGION to read. You will get Scroll of Ray of Enfeeblemet as reward.
Soul Coin in sarcophagus.
Collect the chests
Doors form Dank Crypt to Refectory
Room with Traps
This room is full of traps. They are a problem whether you enter from the north or south (D2).
In (07) split up your party and enter here with one character with high PERCEPTION to make all the traps visible to you.
You only need to disarm one trap on the central sarcophagus to open it. You will need Trap Disarm Kit to do it. You will find the first Trap Disarm Kit in Ravaged Beach (19), Hidden Camp after finding Harper's Map in Ravaged Beach (10).
You don't have to disarm the other traps, you just need to spot them with PERCEPTION.
Check all 4 sarcophagus for items, central one should be disarmed.
The Watcher's Guide Spear, Engraved Key, Soul Coin, Maul and Ring Mail Armour.
Secret Reset Traps Button.
You have to spot it with PERCEPTION, this Button will stop Traps if you fire them. You can press it manually in case of problems or shoot it from a distance.
Ancient Doors form Chapel Entrance to Dank Crypt
You can use it to go outide.
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