Harve Village Map in Dragon's Dogma 2
Map of Harve Village in Dragon's Dogma 2 with Walkthrough and map locations of Riftstones, Seeker's Tokens, Golden Trove Beetles, Treasure Chests, Main and Side Quests, Caves and Dungeons, Portcrystals, Oxcart Stations, Inns, Shops, NPCs, Campsites, Secrets, Fast Travel Locations, Collectibles, Dragon's Dogma 2 Maps with Walkthrough.
Map of Harve Village in Dragon's Dogma 2

The Harve Village Map includes locations north of Harve Village in Dragon's Dogma 2.
Dragon's Dogma 2 Map of Harve Village shows locations on map of Main and Side Quests, Riftstones, Seeker's Tokens, Golden Trove Beetles, Treasure Chests, Caves and Dungeons, Portcrystals, Oxcart Stations, Inns, Shops, NPCs, Campsites, Secrets, Fast Travel Locations, Collectibles.
Additional maps:
Harve Village Walkthrough for Dragon's Dogma 2 Map
From Central Vermund Map
Trevo Mine
Seeker's Token up on the cliff.
Trevo Mine Cave (Entrance)
Trevo Mine Cave is location for "Vocation Frustration" Side Quest and "Monster Culling" Main Quest so visit Trevo Mine when you receive one of these quests.
First part of Trevo Mine is for "Vocation Frustration" Side Quest and here you can find Grievous Horns Archistaff and Two-Hander Greatsword. When you collect them return to Vernworth City to finish "Vocation Frustration" Side Quest.
Headwater Cavern (Exit)
Dragon's Dogma 2 Map Markings

Landmarks, Points of Interest, Settlements, Waypoints and Interesting Locations.
You should visit all these locations, the suggested order is consistent with the numbers, but not obligatory.

Shops and Services
You can Buy or Sell items like weapons, armor, consumables and other.
By making friends with a seller in a store or by shopping there frequently, you have a chance to receive rare items and expand the available assortment.

Staying at an inn fully restores your party's Health and Stamina. It also recovers the loss gauge, which represents a reduction in your Health and accumulates when taking damage.
At Inns you have access to your personal Storage, same Storage can be accessed in any Inn. All stored items will be kept fresh as long as they are in Storage.
The Inn also serves as a Vocation Guild in smaller towns, to manage your Vocations (Character Class).
When resting at an inn, you can choose whether to rise in the morning or at night-useful if you need to set out at a particular time. Foresighted adventurers will stay at inns regularly, to avoid risks when traveling far afield.

A place out of towns, to rest for your Party. If you have a Camping Kit you can regenerate here like in a regular Inn. Before you start resting, eliminate all enemies in the area to avoid being attacked while you sleep

Cave and Dungeon Entrances
Small Dungeons, usually underground, with items and valuables guarded by monsters.
There is often more than one entrance to a Dungeon.

Fast Travel Teleporters in Dragon’s Dogma 2, use Ferrystone to teleport to any other previously discovered Portcrystal.
Fast Travel is not popular in Dragon's Dogma 2, which is why you will only find a few Portcrystals.
"A Trial of Archery" Side Quest in Sacred Arbor you will be able to get your own Portcrystal as an item. You can also buy it later in-game.

Oxcart Stations
You can Fast Travel from Oxcart Station by Oxcart.

Riftstones (Regular Riftstones)
Riftstones available in Towns and important locations. Their function is to summon Support Pawns. You summon Pawns at an experience level similar to your own. Different Riftstones have the ability to select Pawns with specific properties.
You can try to rebuild the Forgotten Riftstone and if you succeed, a new Regular Riftstone will be created.

Forgotten Riftstones (Free Pawn)
Destroyed Riftstones scattered around the land that you can rebuild. When you try to rebuild Forgotten Riftstone, two things can happen (they are not random, but assigned to a specific place):
- Riftstone will be restored - then it will turn into a Regular Riftstone with a specific feature assigned to the summoned Pawns in it.
- It will be permanently destroyed - and one time will summon a random high-level Pawn that you can recruit for free. And this is exactly this type of Riftstone.

Main Quests
The starting location for Main Quests, which are part of the game's plot and create the storyline.
There are 16 Main Quests in Dragon's Dogma 2 and it's hard to miss another one as the end of one begins the next. By following the numbering order of Main Quests, you can see where the game's plot will take you next. Completing the storyline, i.e. completing all Main Quests, will take you about 30 hours.

Side Quests
Starting locations for Side Quests, which are additional tasks you can perform in the world of Dragon's Dogma 2. These are separate closed stories.
In the game with over 50 Side Quests, completing them will take you twice as much time as the main story. Completing Side Quests is not necessary to complete the game, but it can often make it much easier.

Chests in Dragon's Dogma 2 differ visually, the more solid and ornate the chest looks, the more valuable content you can expect.

Golden Trove Beetles
Rare beetles that shine like gold. Their consumption permanently increases your carrying capacity by 0.15 kg. The Arisen’s main pawn can also receive the same effect.
There are at least several dozen Golden Trove Beetles in Dragon’s Dogma 2.

Seeker's Tokens
There are over 240 Seeker Tokens in Dragon's Dogma 2, they are Collectibles and also a currency that you can use in Guild Halls for special rewards.

Interactive friendly NPC
There are many NPCs in Dragon's Dogma 2, but only some of them can engage in conversations with you.

Maister NPC - Vocation Trainer
Advanced and Hybrid Vocations need to be unlocked by Trainers (Maisters).

Locations of interesting Weapons

Locations of interesting Armors

Items and Loot

Ore Veins

Enemy Bosses
A strong opponent with lots of health and special attacks.

A group of enemies on a normal level.

Vocation Guild
Learn new Vocations or change Skills.


It predicts the future and suggests what to do next.

Using Wakestones can revive dead NPCs .


Scrap Store
Scrap Store can duplicate items.

Sit to pass time.