Viscount's Keep - Dragon Age II
Viscount's Keep is a part of Hightown where Viscount of Kirkwall live.

- Aveline
Quest Update: A Friend in the Guard
Quest: The Way It Should Be
Codex Update.
Duty Roster
Doors - Quest Update: The Way It Should Be
Quests starting in Viscount's Keep Map
The Way It Should Be
Requisite Quest: A Friend in the Guard.
It is companion quest. Take Aveline to find the ambush hiding along the patchs of Sundermount. The location of the bandits will only be clear if she is present.
Take Aveline to your party and go to Sundermount Ambush Site (01)
Follow way to Sundermount Ambush Site (03) - kill oponents.
Go back to Viscount's Keep (02) - wait till Aveline will talk to Capitain.
Check Duty roster Viscount's Keep (01)
Go with Aveline to Lowtown (10) Night
Go back to Viscount's Keep (02) deal with Capitain. End of quest
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