Outside Lothering - Dragon Age II
Outside Lothering its first location in game. Its easy and plain. Just follow road, kill enemies and pickup stuff. At the end you will find main encounter for this location. After exit you will be no able to return to this location.

You start your game here
Quest: The Destruction of Lothering
Premium Content Quests:
Quest: Boots of the Frozen Wastes
Quest: Blood Dragon Armor
Quest: The Far Cliffs of Kirkwall
Quest: Lothering's Lament
Quest: Of Things Not Lost
Quest: Fadeshear and the Lion of Orlais
NPC: Carver
NPC: Bethany
NPC: Aveline
- codex: The Korcari Wilds
Quest Update: The Destruction of Lothering
Kill Ogre
Bethany or Carver will die depends on you starting class.
NPC: Flemeth
After talk with Flemeth - Quest: Long Way Home
You will be moved to Kirkwall Gallows Courtyard (01)
Quests starting in Lothering Map Map
The Destruction of Lothering
First Quest you find in game.
Starting Location: Outside Lothering Map (01), you got this quest automatically. Find a way past the darkspawn horde.
Go to Outside Lothering Map (04), Kill Ogre, Talk to Flemeth, Quest: Long Way Home
After talk with Flemeth you will be moved to to Kirkwall Gallows Courtyard (01), Find a way to get into Kirkwall
Guardsman Wright Gallows Courtyard (02) talk to him about enter Kirkwall
Capitan Ewald - talk to him at Gallows Courtyard (03)
Gamelen - talk to him at Gallows Courtyard (04), select to serve Athenril Gallows Courtyard (06) or Meeran Gallows Courtyard (07). You can do both tasks betraying Meeran.
Talk to Gamelen at Gallows Courtyard (10) to finish quest.
Now you will be moved to Hightown (01)
Long Way Home
Starting Location: Outside Lothering Map (04). You will receive this quest when talk to Flemeth.
Deliver Flemeth's amulet to Keeper Marethari in the Dalish camp on Sundermount.
Boots of the Frozen Wastes
It is Premium Content Quest. Starting Location: Outside Lothering Map (01), you got this quest automatically. Go home and check the special delivery storage chest. Go to Lowtown (08) check Special Deliveries
Blood Dragon Armor
It is Premium Content Quest. Starting Location: Outside Lothering Map (01), you got this quest automatically. Go home and check the special delivery storage chest. Go to Lowtown (08) check Special Deliveries
The Far Cliffs of Kirkwall
It is Premium Content Quest. Starting Location: Outside Lothering Map (01), you got this quest automatically. Go home and check the special delivery storage chest. Go to Lowtown (08) check Special Deliveries
Lothering's Lament
It is Premium Content Quest. Starting Location: Outside Lothering Map (01), you got this quest automatically. Go home and check the special delivery storage chest. Go to Lowtown (08) check Special Deliveries
Of Things Not Lost
It is Premium Content Quest. Starting Location: Outside Lothering Map (01), you got this quest automatically. Go home and check the special delivery storage chest. Go to Lowtown (08) check Special Deliveries
Fadeshear and the Lion of Orlais
It is Premium Content Quest. Starting Location: Outside Lothering Map (01), you got this quest automatically. Go home and check the special delivery storage chest. Go to Lowtown (08) check Special Deliveries
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