East Anglia Map - England for Assassin's Creed Valhalla Maps.
East Anglia Map for Assassin's Creed Valhalla

This is detailed and revealed Map for East Anglia Level 55 Zone located in England Region for Assassin's Creed Valhalla Maps & Walkthrough with locations of Wealths, Mysteries, Artifacts, Quests, Opals and Fast Travel Points and other collectibles and secrets.
East Anglia Map for Assassin's Creed Valhalla
East Anglia
Level 55 Zone
England Region
High Points
World Events
Offering Altars
Treasures of Britain
Legendary Animals
Lost Drengrs
Daughters of Lerion
Animus Anomalies
Fly Agarics
Standing Stones
Rigsogur Fragments
Treasure Hoard Maps
Flying Papers
Roman Artifacts
Cursed Symbols
Orlog Players
Drinking Challenges
East Anglia is Level 55 Zone located in England Region of Assassin's Creed Valhalla.
Once a powerful Anglo-Saxon kingdom, East Anglia collapsed into a sinkhole of blood and misery under decades of war and attrition. Relentless attacks from the Mercians and then the Norse took a swift toll. Hard to believe that so many would fight over little more than bogs and swamps.
East Anglia Arc: The Tale of Thegn Oswald
Go to Randvi in Ravensthorpe and pledge territory to East Anglia.
The Tale of Thegn Oswald - Chapter 1
Kingmaker The King of East Anglia is dead, long live the king! Help Finnr, a washed-up Dane steward in Northwic, groom Oswald for East Anglia's throne.
Sail by ship to Northwic.
Find (he is inside Longhouse) Finnr and talk to him about Kingmaker Quest
Now find Oswald in northern part of Northwic, and talk to him.
Follow Oswald (by horse) to [02]
Other activities in Northwic:
World Event The Wayward - in NE part of the city, Asta need horse, horse in on other side of river, bring the horse to her.
Flyting Chadwick, Monger of Gossip
World Event Freyja's Friend - follow the white cat, catch it and talk to the boy.
World Event Edmund's Arrows - Take the arrows from the throne in the Longhouse and sell them to the woman who will come to you.
Rigsogur Fragment The Rigsogur, Page 3 - find a passage blocked with lockers in the throne room, move them away, enter the room, climb the ladder up, smash the boards blocking the way..
Flying Papers Northwic - Vestri Wind Scheme (Back)
Youtube: Northwic Flying Papers Walkthrough in East Anglia
YouTube: Northwic Flying Papers Walkthrough in East AngliaYou come here with Oswald for Kingmaker Quest, kill the enemies on the farm.
Beteleah Door Key is in the back, near animals in smal shuck.
Return to Oswald and accept an invitation to an overnight dinner in Elmenham.
You come here for dinner with Oswald for Kingmaker Quest, to enter dinner you have to wait until dark.
During dinner, you will have the opportunity to meet Broder and Brothir, and Oswald's fiancée.
There will be an unpleasant conversation which will end in that you have to defeat the brothers in a fist fight.
The Tale of Thegn Oswald - Chapter 2
The Measure of a Norseman The dinner was a disaster. But there may yet be hope for Oswald to learn Eivor's Norse ways and gain Brothir and Broder's approval.
Find Oswald, he is near animal pens by the river. Talk to him, Finnr will come.
After the conversation, the The Measure of a Norseman Quest will direct you to a small island at the mouth of the river [04], sail there by ship.
Other activities in Elmenham:
Flying Papers Elmenham - Skraelingi Emblem Scheme (Arms)
Youtube: Elmenham Flying Papers Walkthrough in East Anglia
YouTube: Elmenham Flying Papers Walkthrough in East AngliaYou come here for The Measure of a Norseman Quest, talk to Finnr, train with Oswald.
At the end take Oswald and Finnr to your Longboat and sail to raid Serpent's Landing.
You have to raid Serpent's Landing with Oswald for The Measure of a Norseman Quest, burn carts and cargo.
Serpent's Landing Chest Key is in center on table.
Free prisoners and take chest with loot.
The Measure of a Norseman
The Tale of Thegn Oswald - Chapter 3
A Triumphant Return Oswald returns to Northwic with treasure and a tale of victory over Rued's clan. But will it be enough to win over the brothers?
Returns to Northwic.
Gear Magister's Cloak in the chest inside tent.
Return from Serpent's Landing to Northwic
Meet with Oswald in, listen to the dialogues.
Find one spy, tie him up and bring him to the place where the companions are waiting.
After the interrogation, kill the spy.
Meet with allies near Dunwic [06]
You come to Dunwic for A Triumphant Return Quest, talk to allies and infiltrate keep.
Use the secret entrance from the sea in the southwestern part of the island.
Kill Guards.
Light the brazier on the walls.
Let Oswald fight Rued.
Escape Dunwic.
A Triumphant Return
The Tale of Thegn Oswald - Chapter 4
Raising Iron Oswald is dead, but the threat of Rued's clan remains. What can be done to drive them from East Anglia once and for all?
Other activities in Dunwic:
Nickel Ingot Woe-Bringer got it, he is sitting in tower to E. He also got Dunwic Door Key bear.
Ability Rush & Bash blow floor with vase in room with Woe-Bringer and Key.
Return from Dunwic to Northwic
Talk to Finnr.
Travel to Theotford
You come to Theotford for Raising Iron Quest, and speak to the reeve. He will ask you to raid King's Bury
Raid King's Bury for Raising Iron Quest, kill defenders.
Climb the church's tower to signal the reeve.
Talk to reeve
Raising Iron
The Tale of Thegn Oswald - Chapter 4
A Fury from the Sea Rued's clan has taken refuge in Burgh Castle. Eivor has a bold plan to crack their defenses.
Other activities in King's Bury:
King's Bury Door Key is in church
Gear Magister's Mask is in church.
Nickel Ingot use key from church to unlock.
You come to Forward Camp for A Fury from the Sea Quest, talk to Finnr.
You come to Burgh Castle for A Fury from the Sea Quest, attack castle from sea side.
Fight your way through the shipyard gate, kill the defenders.
Get to the inner courtyard, climb palisade inside and attack Rued.
After fighting Rued, he has two options:
Talk to Oswald
A Fury from the Sea
The Tale of Thegn Oswald - Chapter 5
Wedding Horns There are vows to be made and promises to be kept. Eivor takes part in the festivities with his new allies.
Nickel Ingot inside house, entrance is from main courtyard.
Return to Elmenham
Continue Wedding Horns Quest
Talk to Oswald and take part in the wedding fun. Their effect does not affect the plot. Take Finnar off the roof.
The ceremony will interrupt Rued, this time you can kill him for good.
Finally, talk to Finnar to join him in your settlement.
Wedding Horns
Report to Randvi in Ravensthorpe
This is the end of story missions in East Anglia, now you can explore the rest of the map in this zone.
Raid Area
Cargo Raw Materials north is inside building.
Cargo Raw Materials south is inside building
Beodoricsworth Door Key got it Bannerer inside building.
Cargo Raw Materials other sout is inside bbuilding, you have unlick it with key.
Sutton Hoo Chest Key is underground.
Gear Plank and Buckler this one is tricky, go down the ladder to the basement through the eastern entrance, you will come across a wall of stones to break. There is no way to bring an explosive vase there, or to shoot a bow to the other side. You have to throw the torch (use the ability to summon the torch) above the stone wall, it will ignite the explosives on the other side and the wall will explode.
Legendary Animal Black Shuck - It will probably be too hard for you to hunt him now, but you can come back later.
Animus Anomaly Needham Lake see video walkthrough.
Youtube: Needham Lake Animus Anomaly Walkthrough in East Anglia
YouTube: Needham Lake Animus Anomaly Walkthrough in East AngliaWorld Event Life-Blood - talk to Rada, follow the tracks on the ground to the field where you will find Seer, revive her, carry her to the next altar.
Edmund's Hope Door Key is on first floor of church, shoot the ladder.
Treasure Hoard Map East Anglia Hoard Map inside locked small hut to the east, unlock with Edmund's Hope Door Key.
East Anglia Hoard Treasure is located at [20]
World Event A Blood Hymn for Edmund - you have to kill Aelfwyn to finish it.
Gear Thor's Helmet but you can get it only after you kill all 3 Daughters of Lerion entrance is from [18] underground. Put 3 weapons into statue underground.
Ability Axe Blizzard on second floor of ruined church.
Cursed Symbol find the oval ruined building and climb to its top, there you will find Cursed Symbol behind the boards
It is lying on the ground in the middle of a circle of columns
Nickel Ingot use well on back of the house to get Scotthoh Door Key, unlock house door, chest is inside.
Ability Blinding Rush descend to undergrounds from inside of main building, blow up stone wall.
Offering Altar Cedd's Stone - Make offer 200 silver
After making an offering, follow the sounds and traces on the ground to the NE to the World Event
World Event Green Children of Anglia - talk to the children and listen to their stories, give them money or food.
Daughter of Lerion Regan you have to kill her, but she can be to powerful for now, return later.
Cursed Symbol its on the big tree, destroy it.
Cairn East Cape Peak
East Cape Peak Cairn
Standing Stones Seahenge - see video Walkthrough.
Youtube: Seahenge Standing Stones Walkthrough in East Anglia
YouTube: Seahenge Standing Stones Walkthrough in East AngliaNickel Ingot Inside the fence in the pit.
Wulfgeard Chest Key it is outside near house.
Enter through the window by moving the chest first.
Roman Artifact The artifact is underwater in the underground corridor, you need to dive into the circular stone circle north of the marker.
Fly Agaric East Anglia - check video Walkthrough.
Brisleah Farm Door Key it is outside near house.
Nickel Ingot from smaller house, descent down to cellar and unlock door with key.
Treasure of Britain Grime's Graves - Mysterious Hilt Tablet - go down the shaft. Follow the corridor to the end and you'll find both Treasure of Britain and Cursed Symbol.
Cursed Symbol it is underground, you can reach it going through Grime's Graves
World Event Hide and Hunt - You have to play hide and seek with your children, and you probably know how to hide as an assassin.
Daughter of Lerion Cordelia you have to kill her, but she can be to powerful for now, return later.
Roman Artifact The artifact hangs on the wall inside the room, the mask looks like a piece of wall decoration.
Roman Artifact kill defenders, blow up a hole in the ground in the place of stones blocking the entrance, next blow up another stone wall. It is on top of statue.
Gear Carolingian Longsword on a wooden platform above the ground, you must kill Goliath. Watch out for a member of the Order of the Ancients who is walking around the camp.
Lost Drengr Thor The Fish Monger you have to kill him, but he can be to powerful for now, return later.