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- Hogwarts Legacy
- Main Quests
Main Quests in Hogwarts Legacy
Main Quests in Hogwarts Legacy lead you through the main storyline. Only the Main Quests will advance the game's plot. They will unlock new features and new gameplay mechanics, also grant XP points.
There are 42 Main Story Quests in Hogwarts Legacy.
Prologue Chapter Main Quests
List of Main Quests in Hogwarts Legacy that start in Location.

M01 Main Quest
The Path to Hogwarts
Story Chapter: Prologue
Prerequisite: First Story Quest
Starting Location: Prologue.
It seems the fate of the entire wizarding world may rest on my shoulders. I have much to learn at Hogwarts, and not much time to do it.
After a dragon attacked our carriage to Hogwarts, Professor Fig and I happened upon a private entrance to Gringotts Wizarding Bank that was only visible to me. In one of the bank’s oldest vaults, we witnessed a Pensieve memory, left behind by an ancient wizard called Percival Rackham, who could see the same sorts of magic that I see. A goblin called Ranrok tried to take the locket we’d found, but we narrowly escaped with it and our lives. It seems the fate of the entire wizarding world may rest on my shoulders. I have much to learn at Hogwarts, and not much time to do it.
Quest Reward: Lumos Spell, Protego Spell, Revelio Spell
Attend Your First Day at Hogwarts Chapter Main Quests

M02 Main Quest
Welcome to Hogwarts
Story Chapter: Attend Your First Day at Hogwarts
Prerequisite: The Path to Hogwarts completed
Required Level: 1 lvl
I need to head to my common room. Sounds as though there are some voices coming from nearby – perhaps I should follow them.
The content of this Quest, although similar, differs depending on the House you belong to.
Professor Weasley gave me a special book called a Wizard's Field Guide to help me catch up with my fellow fifth-years. Now I've been directed to my first classes of the day.

M03 Main Quest
Charms Class
Story Chapter: Attend Your First Day at Hogwarts
Prerequisite: Welcome to Hogwarts completed
Required Level: 1 lvl
Starting Location: Dark Arts Tower, Charms Classroom
The Field Guide Map shows Professor Ronen's class is in the Astronomy Wing.
That was an exciting class! I attended my first Charms class with Professor Ronen and learned the Summoning Charm, Accio. To practice, Professor Ronen arranged a game called Summoner's Court and matched me against Natty Onai – and I won the game! Professor Ronen is preparing a special assignment for me and wants me to spend more time with Natty.
Quest Reward: Accio Spell

M04 Main Quest
Defence Against the Dark Arts
Story Chapter: Attend Your First Day at Hogwarts
Prerequisite: Welcome to Hogwarts completed
Required Level: 1 lvl
Starting Location: Dark Arts Tower, Defence Against The Dark Arts Classroom
The Field Guide Map shows Professor Hecat's class is in the lower section of the Astronomy Wing.
I attended Defense Against the Dark Arts class. It went well. I learned a new spell, Levioso, the Levitating spell. Then I learned how to use Levioso to break an enemy’s magical shield. On top of that I participated in my first duel and I’m honestly the natural talent. Perhaps I could give that unofficial dueling club a try?
Quest Reward: Levioso Spell

M05 Main Quest
Weasley After Class
Story Chapter: Attend Your First Day at Hogwarts
Prerequisite: Charms Class and Defense Against the Dark Arts Class completed
Required Level: 2 lvl
Starting Location: Transfiguration Courtyard, Transfiguration Classroom
Professor Weasley wants to see me in her classroom which is off the Transfiguration Courtyard, located between the Library Annex and the Astronomy Wing. Hopefully she has word on replacing my lost supplies.
You can chose Natsai Onai or Sebastian Sallow.
I met with Professor Weasley and she's arranged for me to go to Hogsmeade with a companion. I've decided to invite Natty as she seems to be a good witch to have on your side. Before I go, she needs me to complete an assignment for Professor Ronen.
To continue the story in Attend Your First Day at Hogwarts Chapter, you have to complete now Professor Ronen's Assignment.

M06 Main Quest
Welcome to Hogsmeade
Story Chapter: Attend Your First Day at Hogwarts
Prerequisite: Professor Ronen’s Assignment completed
Required Level: 2 lvl
Professor Weasley has arranged for me to visit the nearby village of Hogsmeade and replace my lost supplies. I should be able to navigate to the different shops using my map. Natty Onai will keep me company along the way.
What a long day! At the behest of Professor Weasley, I journeyed to Hogsmeade with a friend and replenished my lost school supplies. I even acquired my own wand! What Professor Weasley couldn't have rpedicted was a troll attack on Hogsmeade, which I helped to fend off. After repairing the damage to the village and learning a few new abilities, I finally got to visit the Three Broomsticks, where I encountered some unpleasant characters: Ranrok and Rookwood. But at least I finally got to try some Butterbeer! Now I should get some rest – who knows what tomorrow may bring?
Quest Reward: Ancient Magic and Ancient Magic Throw
Find the Secret in the Restricted Section Chapter Main Quests

M07 Main Quest
The Locket's Secret
Story Chapter: Find the Secret in the Restricted Section
Prerequisite: Welcome to Hogsmeade completed, read Professor Fig’s letter.
Starting Location: Dark Arts Tower, Professor Fig's Office
I need to tell Professor Fig about the troll attack in Hogsmeade, and I'd like to find out if he's learned more about the locket we found in Gringotts.
Professor Fig found a map that leads to something in the Restricted Section. He wants me to visit Professor Hecat before we go any further.
To continue the story in Find the Secret in the Restricted Section, you have to complete now Professor Hecat's Assignment 1.

M08 Main Quest
Secrets of the Restricted Section
Story Chapter: Find the Secret in the Restricted Section
Prerequisite: Professor Hecat’s Assignment 1 completed (Incendio Spell)
Required Level: 3 lvl
Starting Location: Library
To get into the Restricted Section, I'm going to need to convince Sebastion Sallow to tell me how. He's never far away from the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom. I should look for him there.
Professor Fig was called away by the Headmaster, so I convinced Sebastian to help me sneak into the Restricted Section of the library. It was lucky I asked for his help too because he taught me the Disillusionment Charm which helped me sneak past the Prefects and the librarian. Once in the Restricted Section, I discovered an ancient magic portal that led me to a hidden antechamber. In the antechamber, I was attacked by Pensieve Paladins, but I managed to destroy them all! Then I found what looks like an ancient tome. I'm sure Professor Fig will know what it is. Sebastian, on the other hand, got caught by the librarian after Peeves gave us away – but he didn't turn me in. I'm thinking Sebastian is going to be a good and loyal friend.
Quest Reward: Disillusionment Spell

Youtube: Secrets of the Restricted Section Walkthrough
YouTube: Secrets of the Restricted Section Walkthrough
M09 Main Quest
Tomes and Tribulations
Story Chapter: Find the Secret in the Restricted Section
Prerequisite: Secrets of the Restricted Section completed
Required Level: 3 lvl
Fig will be interested to see the book I found below the Restricted Section. I should take it to him.
I brought the book that I found below the Restricted Section to Professor Fig. He was impressed, but disappointed to find that several pages were missing. He wants to study the book and see if he can glean any information from it. I think we are going to need thos pages.
Live as a Student Until Professor Fig Returns Chapter Main Quests

M10 Main Quest
Herbology Class
Story Chapter: Live as a Student Until Professor Fig Returns
Prerequisite: Tomes and Tribulations completed
Required Level: 3 lvl
Starting Location: Greenhouses
I need to attend Herbology class, taught by Professor Garlick in the Greenhouses.
I attended my first Herbology class and learned a bit. First, I got into a spot of trouble with an overly ripe Mandrake. Then I learned how to use a Potting Table and Planted some dittany. After that I met Leander Prewett, and we tended to some Chinese Chomping Cabbages. After giving the cabbages some proper tending. I learned how to deploy them. I should figure out how to grow even more plants. They are incredibly useful.
Quest Reward: Potting Table

M11 Main Quest
The Girl From Uagadou
Story Chapter: Live as a Student Until Professor Fig Returns
Prerequisite: Secrets of the Restricted Section Completed
Required Level: 4 lvl
Starting Location: South Hogwarts Region, Lower Hogsfield
This Quest is part of Natsai Osanai Storyline.
Natty Onai has asked me to meet her at a hamlet called Lower Hogsfield, just south of Hogwarts. I should see what she wants.
I met Narry Onai in Lower Hogsfield, where I discovered Floo Flames. Now I can travel directly between Lower Hogsfield and Hogwarts, which will be convenient. Natty has concerns about Ranrok and Rookwood pursuing me. She wants to come up with a strategy to help.

M12 Main Quest
Potions Class
Story Chapter: Live as a Student Until Professor Fig Returns
Prerequisite: Herbology Class completed
Required Level: 4 lvl
Starting Location: Potions Classroom in The Library Annex
The next class I must attend is Potions. It is taught by Professor Sharp.
I attended Potions class with Professor Sharp and used ingredients to brew an Edurus Potion.
Quest Reward: Potions Station

M13 Main Quest
Trials of Merlin
Story Chapter: Live as a Student Until Professor Fig Returns
Prerequisite: The Girl from Uagadou completed
Required Level: 4 lvl
Starting Location: South Hogwarts Region, Lower Hogsfield
A woman needs help just across the water beyond the dock
Nora Treadwell and I defeated some Ashwinders who were looking for me near Lower Hogsfield. Afterwards, Mrs Treadwell showed me her research on something called the Merlin Trials and I was able to help her solve one of the puzzles. Now that we know how they work, I should try to solve the ones I encounter.
Quest Reward: Opens all Merlin Trials
Tell Professor Fig About the Map Chamber Chapter Main Quests
In this chapter, the quest you receive depends on the House you belong to.

M14G Main Quest
The Hunt for the Missing Pages (Gryffindor)
Story Chapter: Tell Professor Fig About the Map Chamber
Prerequisite: Trials of Merlin completed
Required Level: 5 lvl
Gryffindor exclusive Quest
Nearly Headless Nick may have information regarding the missing pages I seek.

M14R Main Quest
Ollivander’s Heirloom (Ravenclaw)
Story Chapter: Tell Professor Fig About the Map Chamber
Prerequisite: Trials of Merlin completed
Required Level: 5 lvl
Ravenclaw exclusive Quest
Professor Fig told Mr Ollivander about my resourcefulness in locating the book in the Restricted Section. Impressed by my work, Mr Ollivander asked me to do some detective work for him. He’s searching for a wand that disappeared from his shop. A student named Richard Jackdaw was suspected of stealing it, but he disappeared at the same time as the wand. I investigated the Owlery and discovered a puzzle involving jackdaw statues. After solving the puzzle, the ghost of Richard Jackdaw appeared. Jackdaw believes the wand and the missing pages I seek are with his remains in the cave where he died. He told me to meet him at the edge of the Forbidden Forest and he’ll show me the location of the cave entrance.

M14S Main Quest
Scrope’s Last Hope (Slytherin)
Story Chapter: Tell Professor Fig About the Map Chamber
Prerequisite: Trials of Merlin completed
Required Level: 5 lvl
Slytherin exclusive Quest
A house-elf may have a clue to the missing pages I seek. I should find out more.
A house-elf named Scrope contacted me about the missing pages. He recalls his previous mistress Apollonia Black speaking of pages being ripped from a book. He thinks she took them to her private grotto and believes a family ring will be found inside. I also met the ghost of Richard Jackdaw. He told me that when he was alive, he tried to impress Apollonia Black by stealing a secret map from [[Peeves] for her, but she didn't care. He decided that if Apollonia wasn't imterested in the map, perhaps it would lead him to something that would intrigue her. So, he followed the map to his demise. Jackdaw has promised to meet me at the edge of the Forbidden Forest and show me where he died. The pages should still be with his remains.

M14H Main Quest
Prisoner of Love (Hufflepuff)
Story Chapter: Tell Professor Fig About the Map Chamber
Prerequisite: Trials of Merlin completed
Required Level: 5 lvl
Hufflepuff exclusive Quest
The Portrait of Eldritch Diggory, former Ministry of Magic, may have some information for me.
The portrait of Eldritch Diggory in my Common Room put me in touch with a retired Auror named Helen Thistlewood. She believed the missing pages were connected to the disappearance of a student named Richard Jackdaw. Helen took me to Azkaban, where I met the supposed perpetrator of Jackdaw's disappearance, a prisoner named Anne Thisbe. She attacked Helen and we escaped, but I figured out a clue from Anne's ramblings. I followed the clue and met Jackdaw's ghost. He's agreed to show me where the pages can be found.
To continue the story in Tell Professor Fig About the Map Chamber, you have to complete now Professor Hecat’s Assignment 2.

M15 Main Quest
Jackdaw's Rest
Story Chapter: Tell Professor Fig About the Map Chamber
Prerequisite: Professor Hecat’s Assignment 2 completed - Expelliarmus
Starting Location: Forbidden Forest
The ghost of Richard Jackdaw is going to meet me at the edge of the Forbidden Forest. He said he'll show me how to get to the cave where he died. He's certain the missing pages are still there with his decapitated remains.
The search for the missing pages led me to an ornate room where I met the portrait of Percival Rackham. Professor Fig will be excited to hear about all I've learned.
Quest Reward: Talents unlocked, Professor Sharp’s Assignment 1
Complete the First Keeper Trial Chapter Main Quests

M16 Main Quest
Flying Class
Story Chapter: Complete the First Keeper Trial
Prerequisite: Jackdaw's Rest completed
Required Level: 6 lvl
Starting Location: Bell Tower Courtyard, Flying Class Lawn
In today's Flying class, Madam Kogawa is reviewing basic broom flight and manoeuvrability.
I learned to fly a broom today in Madam Kogawa's class. It took a bit of getting used to, but soon I got a feel for it and was racing around the castle with Everett Clopton. We got a little carried away though and flew too far out of bounds. The Professor wasn't happy with us and gave us a dressing down after class. Still, I think she was impressed with my flying skills. Now I just need to save up to buy a broom of my own. I should visit Spintwitches next time I'm in Hogsmeade and see what they have on offer
Quest Reward: Now you can buy Brooms at Spintwitches Sporting Needs in Hogsmeade

M17 Main Quest
The Room of Requirement
Story Chapter: Complete the First Keeper Trial
Prerequisite: Flying Class completed
Required Level: 6 lvl
Starting Location: Astronomy Tower
Professor Weasley has requested I meet her in the seventh-floor corridor of the Astronomy Tower. This is an odd location for a meeting. I wonder what she wants.
Professor Weasley and a house-elf named Deek introduced me to the Room of Requirement and helped me make it my own. I can now use it as I see fit
Quest Reward: Evanesco Spell, Conjuring Spell, Conjuration Spellcraft, access to The Room of Requirement

M18 Main Quest
In the Shadow of the Undercroft
Story Chapter: Complete the First Keeper Trial
Prerequisite: Flying Class completed
Required Level: 8 lvl
Starting Location: Dark Arts Tower
This Quest is part of Sebastian Sallow Storyline.
I can probably find Sebastian at his usual spot near the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom.
Sebastian showed me a hidden room called 'the Undercroft' where we could talk privately. I finally told him the truth about my ability to see traces of ancient magic. In return, Sebastian taught me the Blasting Curse, Confringo. The Undercroft is a great place to practise spells; I can see why Sebastian wants to keep it a secret.
Quest Reward: Confringo Spell

M19 Main Quest
The Map Chamber
Story Chapter: Complete the First Keeper Trial
Prerequisite: In the Shadow of the Undercroft completed
Required Level: 10 lvl
Starting Location: Dungeons in The Astronomy Wing
Now that Professor Fig has returned, I'm excited to show him the missing pages and the secret map chamber I found below the school.
I took Professor Fig to the Map Chamber and introduced him to the portrait of Professor Rackham. We placed the book on a pedestal and it brought to life an extraordinary map of Hogwarts and the surrounding areas. Professor Rackham explained that the map will show us the first of four trials that I must complete. Professor Fig is going to scout ahead to see what could be waiting for us. I must admit, I'm both excited and apprehensive for what lies ahead.

M20 Main Quest
Percival Rackham’s Trial
Story Chapter: Complete the First Keeper Trial
Prerequisite: The Map Chamber completed
Required Level: 11 lvl
Starting Location: North Ford Bog
I need to meet Professor Fig outside the tower.
Professor Fig and I had to run off goblins we found at the tower. They clearly suspect the tower has some significance. My ability to see traces of ancient magic allowed me to discover the entrance to the first trial. I completed the trial and fended off the ancient guards protecting a Pensieve memory. The Pensieve revealed a story about Isidora becoming a professor at Hogwarts and trying to use ancient magic to take away pain. From there, I returned to the Map Chamber and discovered that another Keeper's portrait had been revealed. This one belongs to Professor Charles Rookwood. He told me to watch out for swirling traces of ancient magice throughout the world. Professor Fig wants to find out what Ranrok knows.
Quest Reward: Unlocks Ancient Magic Hotspots
Prepare For Your Search For the Final Keeper Chapter Main Quests

M21 Main Quest
The Helm of Urtkot
Story Chapter: Prepare For Your Search For the Final Keeper
Prerequisite: Percival Rackham's Trial and Professor Sharp’s Assignment 1 completed - Depulso
Required Level: 12 lvl
Starting Location: North Hogwarts Region
I need to travel to Hogsmeade. I should be able to find Sirona inside the Three Broomsticks.
After I managed to track down the goblin named Lodgok in the Hog's Head Inn, he told me that he wants to retrieve a sacred goblin relic stolen years ago by a witch. Rumour had it that the relic was in the witch's tomb. Unfortunately for Lodgok, the tomb is only accessible by wizardkind. Lodgok believed that retrieving the relic could repair the rift between himself and Ranrok. I searched the witch's tomb, but the helmet wasn't there – Ashwinders took it. Lodgok knew of an Ashwinder camp nearby, so I went there and retrieved the helmet, then returned it to Lodgok, who was very grateful. Now it's up to him to see what (sic) if he can calm Ranrok's ire.

M22 Main Quest
Beasts Class
Story Chapter: Prepare For Your Search For the Final Keeper
Prerequisite: Percival Rackham's Trials completed
Required Level: 13 lvl
Starting Location: Bell Tower Courtyard, Beasts Classroom
This Quest is part of Poppy Sweeting Storyline.
I need to attend Beasts class, taught by Professor Howin.
Today I attended Beasts class taught by Professor Howin where I learned to care for Puffskeins and Kneazles. Then I got to talking with Poppy Sweeting and together we prevented some unsavoury students from hurting the Kneazles. I must have gained Poppy's trust, because she led me to a nearby glade and introduced me to a Hippogriff named Highwing. I think I made two new friends today.
Quest Reward: Beast Petting Brush, Beast Feed and Beast Collections

M23 Main Quest
The Caretaker's Lunar Lament
Story Chapter: Prepare For Your Search For the Final Keeper
Prerequisite: Percival Rackham’s Trial completed
Required Level: 14 lvl
Starting Location: Faculty Tower
Gladwin Moon, the Hogwarts caretaker, wishes to speak with me about something. I should find him near the Reception Hall.
I met with the Caretaker, Gladwin Moon, and he believes there's a plot to torment him with Demiguise statues placed all over Hogwarts and Hogsmeade. The Caretaker wants me to collect the moons from these statues which will make them disappear. He's a bit of an irrational fellow and seems overly fearful of these statues. He's asking for my help. He says he'll teach me additional techniques with Alohomora if I bring him more moons. It's important that I remember that I can only collect them at night.
Quest Reward: Alohomora Spell Level 1

M24 Main Quest
The Elf, the Nab-Sack, and the Loom
Story Chapter: Prepare For Your Search For the Final Keeper
Prerequisite: The Helm of Urtkot completed
Required Level: 15 lvl
Starting Location: Room of Requirement
Deek wants to teach me how to use the nab-sack to rescue magical beasts.
In the Room of Requirement, Deek showed me the nab-sack, which I can use to transport magical beasts. We then went to the Highlands and rescued a Puffskein, a Jobberknoll, and a Mooncalf. It was dangerous, as poachers were active in the area. When I returned to the Room, it provided me with a vivarium where I can keep my rescued beasts. I also learned that beasts provide magical materials when properly cared for. After that, Deek gave me a spellcraft for an Enchanted Loom which I can use to enhance my clothing with magical materials. He said many other beasts will provide even rarer materials. I'm glad to have somewhere I can bring beasts to keep them safe from poachers.
Quest Reward: Nab-Sack and Conjuration Spellcrafts

M25 Main Quest
In the Shadow of the Estate
Story Chapter: Prepare For Your Search For the Final Keeper
Prerequisite: The Helm of Urtkot completed
Required Level: 15 lvl
Starting Location: Feldcroft Region, Feldcroft
This Quest is part of Sebastian Sallow Storyline.
I promised Sebastian I would meet him in Feldcroft. He hopes meeting a new student will bring some cheer to his sister Anne. But there's something ominous happening in Feldcroft.
Sebastian and I went to visit his twin, Anne, who was cursed by goblins and lives at home. But he and his uncle Solomon argued over Anne's condition. Sebastian wants to find a cure and Solomon thinks his obsession does more harm than good. Sebastian and I then went to where Anne was cursed and defeated a troop of Ranrok's Loyalists who were digging for something. I found a passage behind crystalized stone that led to the Undercroft. There, we discovered a bit of parchment with runes and symbols. I told Sebastian about the Pensieve memories I viewed and how one Keeper thought ancient magic could transfigure more than the physical world. Now Sebastian thinks it could be used to help his sister.

M26 Main Quest
Astronomy Class
Story Chapter: Prepare For Your Search For the Final Keeper
Prerequisite: In the Shadows of the Estate completed
Required Level: 16 lvl
Starting Location: Astronomy Tower
Professor Shah's class is at the top of the Astronomy Tower, upstairs from the entrance to the Room of Requirement. I should head there now.
I attended Astronomy class this evening and Professor Shah was displeased that I still don't have my own telescope. Luckily, another student, Amit Thakkar, was nice enough to lend me his spare. Amit told me about an ancient Astronomy Table on the Hogwarts grounds. Once we had found it, I used the Astronomy Table to observe several hidden constellations. Amit was excited and said that I could keep his telescope. Apparently, more of these tables are hidden across the Highlands. I should keep an eye out for them.
Quest Reward: Telescope, Unlocks Astronomy Tables
To continue the story in Prepare For Your Search For the Final Keeper, you have to complete now Professor Garlick’s Assignment 1.

M27 Main Quest
The High Keep
Story Chapter: Prepare For Your Search For the Final Keeper
Prerequisite: Professor Garlick’s Assignment 1 - Wingardium Leviosa
Required Level: 17 lvl
Starting Location: Hogsmeade Valley, Falbarton Castle
This Quest is part of Natsai Osanai Storyline.
Natty is waiting for me near a castle ruin.
What an adventure! It began when I met Natty near some old castle ruins. She told me how she had followed Theophilus Harlow to the Hog's Head and noticed him reading a letter bearing Rookwood's seal. She wanted to get that letter to bring to Officer Singer as proof of Harlow and Rookwood's collusion, so she followed Harlow to Falbarton Castle. On our way inside, we saw that the poachers had captured Highwing and another Hippogriff. Together, Natty and I rescued the Hippogriffs from the poachers and got away with the incriminating letter, which Natty plans to deliver to the Officer Singer and bring Rookwood and Harlow to justice.
Quest Reward: Unlocks Flying Mounts, Highwing, Caligo (pre-order bonus), Sepulchria (Dark Arts Pack)

M28 Main Quest
Back on the Path
Story Chapter: Prepare For Your Search For the Final Keeper
Prerequisite: The High Keep completed
Required Level: 18 lvl
Starting Location: Map Chamber
Professor Fig is in the Map Chamber. I should speak to him about recent events.
I met with Professor Fig in the Map Chamber and updated him on my dealings with Lodgok. The portrait of Charles Rookwood advised me that the next trial is at his former residence, Rookwood Castle. I told Professor Rookwood that his descendant, Victor Rookwood, is a Dark wizard. He was incensed and needs me to go to the castle. He says there is something beneath it that Victor Rookwood and the goblins cannot find. I'm to go there and complete the trial and view Professor Rookwood's Pensieve memory. Then he'll tell me more.

M29 Main Quest
Charles Rookwood's Trial
Story Chapter: Prepare For Your Search For the Final Keeper
Prerequisite: Back On the Path completed
Starting Location: Feldcroft Region, Rookwood Castle
Percival Rackham and Charles Rookwood want me to complete Charles's trial as soon as possible. I need to meet Professor Fig at Rookwood Castle.
I met Professor Fig at Rookwood Castle. It was crawling with Victor Rookwood's lot and Ranrok's Loyalists. Once Fig and I made our way inside, we discovered that the Loyalists had broken into some sort of repository and let something out. This was alarming to Charles Rookwood. Ultimately, I completed the trial and viewed Charles Rookwood's Pensieve memory. Upon returning to the Map Chamber, the Keepers introduced me to former headmistress, Niamh Fitzgerald. I am to proceed with her trial as soon as she's sure that I can reach it.
Quest Reward: Professor Howin’s Assignment
Stop Ranrok and Rookwood Chapter Main Quests

M30 Main Quest
Fire and Vice
Story Chapter: Stop Ranrok and Rookwood
Prerequisite: Charles Rookwood's Trial completed
Required Level: 19 lvl
Starting Location: North Ford Bog
This Quest is part of Poppy Sweeting Storyline.
Poppy is waiting in the area to the far north of Hogwarts, as the broom flies.
Poppy and I uncovered the poachers' best kept secret: a dragon fighting ring hidden in plain sight. We freed a captive dragon, took possession of a dragon egg, and fought our way out. Unfortunately, the egg we have belongs to the dragon we just set free
Quest Reward: Professor Weasley’s Assignment, The Plight of the House-Elf Side Quest, The Tale of Rowland Oakes Side Quest
To continue the story in Stop Ranrok and Rookwood, you have to complete now Professor Weasley’s Assignment.

M31 Main Quest
It's All Gobbledegook
Story Chapter: Stop Ranrok and Rookwood
Prerequisite: Professor Weasley's Assignment completed - Transformation, read Lodgok’s Letter
Required Level: 21 lvl
Starting Location: Hogwarts Valley
Lodgok asked me to meet him at a goblin mine south of Hogwarts and asked that I bring someone who speaks Gobbledegook.
The mystery deepens. Today, I took Amit with me to meet Lodgok at the goblin mine in the southeast. Lodgok told me about Bragbor, an ancestor of Ranrok, who was comissioned to build fortified repositories made of goblin metal by a group of witches and wizards. Ranrok is searching for these repositories and the power they contain – he wants to take it for all goblin-kind. In the mine, Amit and I discovered that the Loyalists are building enormous drills, presumably to search for the repositories. According to Lodgok, Ranrok has already discovered one of them and the power inside has changed him. He fears that if Ranrok finds the largest repository, it could mean a great war for us all.

M32 Main Quest
In the Shadow of the Mine
Story Chapter: Stop Ranrok and Rookwood
Prerequisite: Professor Weasley's Assignment completed - Transformation
Required Level: 22 lvl
Starting Location: Hogsmeade Valley
This Quest is part of Sebastian Sallow Storyline.
Sebastian is waiting near the entrance to the Overlook Mine to the northeast of Upper Hogsfield.
Sebastian met me at the Overlook Mine. He realised it's the location depicted in the triptych. We had to fight our way through the mine, past spiders and Loyalists, until we found a room with a sealed chamber. Once we cleared the webs, we discovered runes on the wall that matched the note from the triptych, as well as a journal entry and another canvas. I told Sebastian that I'd been working with Lodgok. He was enraged, unable to see that not all goblins are like the ones that cursed Anne. I'm afraid I must continue without his help.

M33 Main Quest
The Headmistress Speaks
Story Chapter: Stop Ranrok and Rookwood
Prerequisite: It's All Gobbledegook and In the Shadow of the Mine completed
Required Level: 23 lvl
Starting Location: Dungeons
I spoke to Professor Fitzgerald in the Map Chamber. She’s directed me to the next trial, in the Headmaster’s office. Professor Fig will know what to do next.

M34 Main Quest
The Polyjuice Plot
Story Chapter: Stop Ranrok and Rookwood
Prerequisite: The Headmistress Speaks completed
Required Level: 23 lvl
Starting Location: Dark Arts Tower, Professor Fig's Office
I've taken the Polyjuice Potion, and now I need to find Madam Kogawa. She may know more about the Headmaster's house-elf, named Scrope.
I found out the password to the Headmaster’s office. Now to get in there and see what Professor Fitzgerald has planned for me.

M35 Main Quest
Niamh Fitzgerald's Trial
Story Chapter: Stop Ranrok and Rookwood
Prerequisite: The Polyjuice Plot completed
Required Level: 23 lvl
Starting Location: Headmaster's Office in The Grand Staircase
Now that I have the password to the Headmaster's office. I need to go in and speak to Niamh's portrait.
I spoke to Professor Fitzgerald and saw her memory. I returned to the Map Chamber and met the next Keeper – San Bakar
Prepare for Your O.W.L.S. Chapter Main Quests

M36 Main Quest
In the Shadow of the Mountain
Story Chapter: Prepare for Your O.W.L.S.
Prerequisite: Professor Howin’s Assignment - Bombarda
Required Level: 24 lvl
Starting Location: Marunweem Lake
This Quest is part of Sebastian Sallow Storyline.
I received an owl from Sebastian. It seems, despite our earlier disagreement, he would like to resume our search for the final piece of the triptych. He's apparently found a lead on its location and wants to meet along the coast to the southeast.
Sebastian discovered more of Ranrok’s Loyalists swarming around another cavern. We decided to fight our way past them and find out what they were looking for. In our search we discovered more runes like the ones on the note from the triptych. We then battled a troll and a nasty infestation of spiders before finding the final piece to the triptych and another passageway back to the Undercroft. We returned and placed the final canvas in the triptych, unlocking a Pensieve memory. We watched it and learned that ancient magic has healing potential. Sebastian believes we can use this power to cure Anne.

M37 Main Quest
Lodgok's Loyalty
Story Chapter: Prepare for Your O.W.L.S.
Prerequisite: In the Shadow of the Mountain completed, read Lodgok's letter
Required Level: 24 lvl
Starting Location: Marunweem Lake
Lodgok is attempting to infiltrate the Coastal Mine alone. I need to find him.
I was worried about Lodgok, so I went to the Coastal Mine to find him. There, I discovered a subterranean drill, built by Ranrok’s Loyalists, that they intended to use to drill into the repositories. I triggered a cave-in that took the drill out of commission. In the mine, Lodgok confronted Ranrok and 1 learned the truth: the two goblins were brothers. I’m still reeling from what happened next – Ranrok killed Lodgok when he learned that Lodgok was bringing me the last of Bragbor’s journals. I barely managed to escape the mine before it caved in. Now I must deal with the loss of my goblin friend and the fact that Ranrok knows from Bragbor’s journal the location of the final repository.

M38 Main Quest
San Bakar's Trial
Story Chapter: Prepare for Your O.W.L.S.
Prerequisite: Lodgok’s Loyalty completed
Required Level: 24 lvl
Starting Location: Dungeons, Map Chamber
It's time to share with the Keepers what I've learned about Ranrok and his plans.
I met Fig at the location revealed to us by Professor Bakar’s portrait. We deduced that only a Graphorn could open the passage to the Pensive chamber. I found a Graphorn called the ‘Lord of the Shore and tamed the terrifying beast. I rode it to the chamber and its presence unlocked the door. Inside, San Bakar’s Pensive memory revealed the terrible truth: Isidora was experimenting on Hogwarts students. The Keepers confronted her and the resulting battle killed her. I returned to the Map Chamber and the Keepers said I have the materials to build a unique wand that will open the final repository. I am to ask Mr Ollivander to construct the wand. Is this the beginning of the end?
Quest Reward: Graphorrn Mount
Stop Ranrok Chapter Main Quests

M39 Main Quest
Wand Mastery
Story Chapter: Stop Ranrok
Prerequisite: San Bakar's Trial completed
Required Level: 24 lvl
Starting Location: Hogsmeade
I need to visit Mr. Ollivander in his shop and see if he can craft the Keepers' wand with the artefacts I acquired from their trials.
Mr Ollivander was able to use the artefacts I collected from above the Pensieves to craft the Keepers’ wand. When I exited the wand shop, however, Rookwood ambushed me and demanded that I hand it over. When I refused, his lot took me to a remote location, where they attempted to take it from me by force. I knew that the fate of the wizarding world was in my hands, so against all odds, I defeated Rookwood and everyone he brought with him. Now, I need to bring the wand to Professor Fig and the Keepers in the Map Chamber.

M40 Main Quest
The Final Repository
Story Chapter: Stop Ranrok
Prerequisite: Wand Mastery completed
Required Level: 24 lvl
Starting Location: Dungeons, Map Chamber
Mr. Ollivander fashioned a wand from the Keepers' artefacts. Now to return with it to the Map Chamber.
The professors and I defeated Ranrok, but not before he broke open the Repository and exploited its power. Professor Fig sacrificed his life to help me repair the Repository and contain its contents.
After finishing the main story

M41 Main Quest
Weasley's Watchful Eye
Prerequisite: The Final Repository completed
Required Level: 24 lvl
Starting Location: Transfiguration Courtyard, Professor Weasley's Office
I need to meet with Professor Weasley in her office in the Transfiguration classroom.
I visited Professor Weasley in her office and we discussed the death of Professor Fig. Then we went over my performance according to the Field Guide, and she was impressed with how busy l’ve been keeping myself all year. I will say that she knew a bit more about my activities this year than I suspected.

M42 Main Quest
The House Cup
Prerequisite: Weasley's Watchful Eye completed
Required Level: 34 lvl
Starting Location: Great Hal
I should attend the end-of-year fest in the Great Hall.
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