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- Hogwarts Legacy
- Infamous Foes
Infamous Foes in Hogwarts Legacy
Hogwarts Legacy Map Infamous Foes Location

Map with locations of all Infamous Foes in Hogwarts Legacy. Infamous Foes are formidable and wily enemies. There are 21 Infamous Foes in Hogwarts Legacy. Some of them are marked on the in-game map and some can only be found during specific Quests.
Infamous Foes are strong opponents and even the weakest of them pose a serious challenge. Eliminating the Infamous Foes will be a task that can be completed in the second half of the game, after lvl 20.
The reward for defeating all 21 Infamous Foes and completing the Challenge: Defeat Infamous Foes is a set of Face Masks in Gear Apperance.
Infamous Foes in Hogwarts Legacy
All 21 Infamous Foes in Hogwarts Legacy: Insatiable Spider, Tempeste Thorne, Rampant Dugbog, Bardolph Beaumont's Corpse, Gwendolyn Zhou, Pergit, Quagmire Troll, Grim, White Wolf, Riparian Troll, Alexandra's Troll, Absconder, Belgruff The Bludgeoner, Catrin Haggarty, Ogbert The Odd, Iona Morgan, Grodbik, Dunstan Trinity, Lord of the Manor, Alyssa Travers, Silvanus Selwyn.

The Insatiable Spider
Infamous Foe
In South Hogwarts Region, cellar near Aranshire, during Tangled Web Side Quest

Bardolph Beaumont's Corpse
Infamous Foe
In Forbidden Forest, during 'Brothers Keeper' Side Quest

Gwendolyn Zhou
Infamous Foe
In Hogsmeade, cellar Hogs Head Pub, during 'A Basis for Blackmail' Natsai Onai Relationship Quest

Infamous Foe
In North Hogwarts Region, in Korrow Ruins, during 'The Tale of Rowland Oakes' Side Quest

The Riparian Troll
Infamous Foe
In Hogwarts Valley, Dale Family Tomb, during 'Beeting a Curse' Side Quest

Alexandra's Troll
Infamous Foe
In Hogwarts Valley, south of Brocburrow, during 'Troll Control' Side Quest


Catrin Haggarty
Infamous Foe
In Feldcroft Region, inside tent, during 'The Lost Child' Natsai Onai Relationship Quest

Infamous Foe
In Marunweem Lake, The Coastal Mine Dungeon, during Lodgok's Loyalty Main Quest
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