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- Hogwarts Legacy
- Battle Arenas
Battle Arenas in Hogwarts Legacy
Hogwarts Legacy Map Battle Arenas Locations

There are 3 Battle Arenas in Hogwarts Legacy, North Ford Bog Battle Arena, Feldcroft Battle Arena, and Dark Arts Battle Arena. Battle Arenas are additional non-story activities to level up, earn XP, Challenges and loot, check map for location of evey Battle Arena.
Each Battle Arena allows you to fight several waves of enemies with increasing difficulty. You can fight in each Battle Arena multiple times.
To activate Battle Arena you have to destroy vases around the statue.

To activate Battle Arena destroy vases around.
For Feldcroft Battle Arena you have to additionally talk to Althea Twiddle in Ironwood Hamlet.
Battle Arena will be activated when statue will spread its arms.

Activated Battle Arena, statue will spread its arms.
Battle Arena Location in Hogwarts Legacy
Two Battle Arenas North Ford Bog and Feldcroft are included in standard version of Hogwarts Legacy Video Game, Dark Arts Battle Arena is part of Dark Arts Pack DLC or Deluxe Edition and is not included in the base game.
North Ford Bog Battle Arena
To enter North Ford Bog Battle Arena, go to location pointed on map above, find the statue, destroy 20 vases around the statue. The statue will spread its arms and you can start fighting in the Arena.
Feldcroft Battle Arena
To enter Feldcroft Battle Arena, go to Ironwood Hamlet in Feldcroft, find Althea Twiddle and talk to her, go to location pointed on map above, find the statue, destroy 20 vases around the statue. The statue will spread its arms and you can start fighting in the Arena.
Dark Arts Battle Arena
Dark Arts Battle Arena is part of Dark Arts Pack DLC or Deluxe Edition and is not included in the base game.
Go to Forbidden Forest, kill two enemies near statue, destroy 10 vases around the statue. The statue will spread its arms and you can start fighting in the Arena.
Dark Arts Battle Arena will alow you to use the Unforgivable Curses, Avada Kedavra, Imperio, and Crucio, as well as the Blasting Curse, Confringo.

Avada Kedavra
Unforgivable Curse, Killing Curse
Successful cast on a human or living creature causes instant painful death. Preparing to cast this Curse takes time.
Available during Dark Arts Battle Arena in Forbidden Forest.

Unforgivable Curse
Cast on a human or living creature, it causes extreme amounts of pain on the victim over time.
Available during Dark Arts Battle Arena in Forbidden Forest.

Unforgivable Curse
Forces the victim to obey the caster and fight on his side for a short period of time.
Available during Dark Arts Battle Arena in Forbidden Forest.
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