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- Hogwarts Legacy
- Gladwin Moon
Gladwin Moon in Hogwarts Legacy
Gladwin Moon NPC Info
- Gladwin Moon is Caretaker in Hogwarts Legacy.
- You first meet Gladwin Moon during your first trip to Hogsmeade, but then you won't be able to talk to him.
- The second encounter will occur after completing the "Percival Rackham's Trial" Main Quest you will receive an Owl Post from Gladwin Moon requesting an encounter.
- This is the beginning of "The Caretaker's Lunar Lament" Main Quest. To find Gladwin Moon, just follow the quest indicator near the Faculty Tower in The South Wing.
- Gladwin Moon will teach you the very useful Spell Alohomora, which allows you to open magically locked locks,
- After completing "The Caretaker's Lunar Lament" Main Quest, Gladwin Moon will give you another quest "The Man Behind the Moons" Side Quest, for which you will receive Alohomora Spell that lets you open Level 2 & 3 Locks.
- Gladwin Moon is one of the characters in Hogwarts Legacy.

Gladwin Moon in Hogwarts Legacy
Hogwarts Castle Caretaker

Youtube: How to use the Alohomora spell to pick locks
Hogwarts Legacy Tutorial
YouTube: How to use the Alohomora spell to pick locks
Youtube: The Caretaker’s Lunar Lament Main Quest
Hogwarts Legacy Walkthrough
YouTube: The Caretaker’s Lunar Lament Main Quest
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