- Game-Maps.com
- Hogwarts Legacy
- Bella Navarro
Bella Navarro in Hogwarts Legacy
Bella Navarro NPC Info
- Bella Navarro is one of the characters in Hogwarts Legacy.
- Bella Navarro is Ingredients and Combat Tools Trader.
- Bella Navarro stand is located in Cragcroft in Cragcroftshire Region.

Bella Navarro in Hogwarts Legacy
Ingredients and Combat Tools Trader
Bella Navarro Shop Inventory
- Ashwinder Eggs
- Dugbog Tongue
- Horklump Juice
- Lacewing Flies
- Leaping Toadstool Caps
- Leech Juice
- Spider Fang
- Stench of the Dead
- Troll Bogeys
- Mongrel Fur
- Focus Potion
- Invisibility Potion
- Wiggenweld Potion
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