Borderlands 3 Maps, Game Guide & Walkthrough

Pandora Planet Maps for Borderlands 3

Borderlands 3 Maps for Covenant Pass, The Droughts and Ascension Bluff Zones on Pandora Planet, with Pandora planet progress. Borderlands 3 Game Guide & Walkthrough.

Pandora Planet - Borderlands 3

Pandora Planet Map for Borderlands 3, Covenant Pass, The Droughts and Ascension Bluff .

Pandora Planet Map for Borderlands 3

Covenant Pass, The Droughts and Ascension Bluff .

Pandora Planet : A wasteland at the edge of human civilization. Once beyond the corporations' petty squabbling, now the planet and its moon have changed hands too many times to count. Time was a traveler might find a desperate kind of freedom here. Now, it's as much a prison as when Dahl first broke ground.

Pandora Planet Maps

Covenant Pass Map (prologue) Borderlands 3 Pandora Walkthrough

Covenant Pass Map (prologue) Borderlands 3 Pandora Walkthrough

Covenant Pass Map with Zone Progress, Quest Starters, NPC, Crew Challenges, Bosses, ECHO Logs, Typhon Logs, Eridian Writings, Vending Machines, Red Chests, Vehicle Station and Fast Travel Station.

The Droughts Map Borderlands 3 Pandora Walkthrough

The Droughts Map Borderlands 3 Pandora Walkthrough

The Droughts Map with Zone Progress, Quest Starters, NPC, Bosses, Crew Challenges, ECHO Logs, Typhon Logs, Eridian Writings, Vending Machines, Red Chests, Vehicle Station and Fast Travel Station.

Ascension Bluff Map Borderlands 3 Pandora Walkthrough

Ascension Bluff Map Borderlands 3 Pandora Walkthrough

Ascension Bluff Map with Zone Progress, Quest Starters, NPC, Bosses, Crew Challenges, ECHO Logs, Typhon Logs, Eridian Writings, Vending Machines, Red Chests, Vehicle Station and Fast Travel Station.

Pandora Planet Progress

Pandora Planet Progress

Quest Starter Borderlands 3Missions33
Fast Travel Station Borderlands 3Fast Travel Stations15
Eridian Writings Borderlands 3Eridian Writings11
Red Chests Borderlands 3Red Chests18
Crew Challenges Borderlands 3Crew Challenges64

Missions on Pandora Planet

Covenant Pass Missions

Children of the Vault Main Mission, LVL1

This is the quest you start the game with.

Despite an ambush by the bandit cult known as the Children of the Vault, the Crimson Raiders successfully recruited a new Vault Hunter: you. Now their Siren leader Lilith needs you to infiltrate a COV propaganda center alongside what appears to be a yellow toaster with anxiety.

From the Ground Up Main Mission, LVL2

The long-lost Vault Map has resurfaced, and now it's a race to see who can recover it first. Your first lead is a bandit warchief whose clan makes their home in the Droughts.

The Droughts Missions

Cult Following Main Mission, LVL 5

The Sun Smasher clan is bringing the Vault Map to the Holy Broadcast Center as an offering to the self-proclaimed gods of the COV, the Calypso Twins. Seems like a sub-optimal sitch, to be honest. It's up to you to crash the party.

Golden Calves Side Mission, LVL 8

Vaughn's got a plan to stick it to the COV by replacing all their ugly little statues with something a little more glorious. Gather pictures of Vaughn and get ready to piss off some gods.

Taking Flight Main Mission, LVL 7

At long last, the Vault Map is back in the hands of the Crimson Raiders. Now to find out where it will lead. Probably nothing of significant consequence will happen.

Powerful Connections Side Mission, LVL 2

Lovable old Marcus needs you to help him repair a vending machine that was scavenged by some bandits. You'll be rewarded with access to his vast stores of deadly munitions. Hooray for capitalism!

Bad Reception Side Mission, LVL 5

Claptrap is totally miserable because he lost his beloved antenna! Help him feel complete again by finding an array of replacement options.

Dump on Dumptruck Side Mission, LVL 4

Ellie wants you to kill someone named The Holy Dumptruck who's been talkin' smack about the Crimson Raiders. Teach him a lesson in manners by shooting him a whole bunch. That'll learn 'em.

Under Taker Side Mission, LVL 7

You need to go kill the Under Taker, because Vaughn's certainly not about to let his trademark Hyperion Redbars go without a fight!

Skag Dog Days Side Mission, LVL 7

Chef Frank needs you to track down and harvest some succulent succulents so he can reclaim his rightful place at the top of the food service food chain. Go on then, it's time to succ.

Sanctuary Main Mission, LVL 10

The Crimson Raiders are leaving Pandora, the stars your destination. More specifically, Promethea. Assuming the ship doesn't fall apart before you leave orbit.

Ascension Bluff Missions

Head Case Side Mission, LVL 7

Save the Sun Smasher operative from the torture simulation.

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