Meridian Outskirts Map for Borderlands 3
Borderlands 3 Map for Meridian Outskirts on Promethea planet, with Zone Progress, Quest Starters, NPC, Bosses, Crew Challenges, ECHO Logs, Typhon Logs, Eridian Writings, Vending Machines, Red Chests, Vehicle Station and Fast Travel Station. Borderlands 3 Game Guide & Walkthrough.

Meridian Outskirts Zone Progress
Meridian Outskirts Zone Progress | ||
Missions | 3 | |
Locations | 3 | |
Fast Travel Stations | 2 | |
Eridian Writings | 1 | |
Red Chests | 1 | |
Crew Challenges | 8 |
Meridian Outskirts Crew Challenges
Crimson Radio
Sabotage the Meridian Outskirts Broadcast Tower.
Help Moxxi recruit for the Crimson Alliance by sabotaging the Children of the Vault's Broadcast Towers.
Dead Claptrap
Salvage a Universal Translator.
Salvage parts from decommissioned Claptrap units to help Claptrap build a friend.
Hijack Target
Retrieve the Technical Sticky Mines.
Scan rare vehicles at CAR stations to unlock unique parts.
Typhon Logs
Find the Meridian Outskirts Typhon Logs.(3)
Follow the decades-old journey of The First Vault Hunter by collecting all three Typhon Journals in this area. Once you've found them all, Tannis will be able to triangulate the location of the secret Typhon Dead Drop cache and unlock it for you.
Typhon Dead Drop
Loof the Meridian Outskirts Dead Drop cache.
Collect all three Typhon Journals so Tannis can triangulate the location of Typhon's Dead Drop cache and unlock it for you.

How to get Typhon Dead Drop in Meridian Outskirts YouTube
Meridian Outskirts Locations for Zone Progress
- Edge of Meridian
- Fort Pissoff
- The Spillways
Meridian Outskirts Missions
Healers and Dealers Side Mission, LVL 10
Maliwannabees Side Mission, LVL 10
Technical NOGout Side Mission, LVL 14
Meridian Outskirts Walkthrough: Urban District

Meridian Outskirts Zone Borderlands 3
The war-torn borders of the capital city Meridian, where civilians cower and guerrillas wistfully remember coffee.
Entrance from Sanctuary - Drop Pod
Quest from Sanctuary: Hostile Takeover Main Mission, LVL12
The Calypsos want to open a Vault on Promethea, so we need to beat them to it. We'll need to make friends with Atlas Corporation if we want to find the Vault. But Atlas has its own set of megacorp-sized problems that could be solved by a gun-wielding go-getter such as yourself.
Follow the canyon in search of the source of distress call.
It doesn't work at the moment - return here later in game.
Lorelei - talk to her and follow her.

Fort Pissoff
Dr. Zed's Meds, Ammo Dump, Fast Travel Station, Catch-A-Ride.
Healers and Dealers Side Mission, LVL 10
You've gotta help Dr. Ace round up medications so he can help all the poor bastards affected by this war. And if he offers you one of his rap mixtapes, just try to humor him.
Take Car and follow Lorelei through Meridian Spillways for Hostile Takeover Quest.
Hover Wheel Technical
Destroy Hover Wheel Technical and pick up Echo Log for Hostile Takeover Quest.
Follow Lorelei
Ziff talk to her and take quest.
Maliwannabees Side Mission, LVL 10
A Promethean civilian wants revenge for Maliwan's transgressions, but doesn't know who exactly is to blame. It's up to you to dispense payback.
Exit to Meridian Metroplex
- You can exit now to Meridian Metroplex to continue Hostile Takeover Quest.
- or you can stay here at Meridian Outskirts to finish this zone.
Mt. Schuler Recovery Center
You come here for Healers and Dealers Quest.
Ace Baron talk to him.
Hardin Supplies.
Climb up.
Hardin talk to him to collect meds and blood packs (1/3) for Healers and Dealers Quest.
Medical Technical Car
Medical Technical Car to collect meds and blood packs (2/3) for Healers and Dealers Quest.
Abandoned Pharmacy
Kill monsters to collect meds and blood packs (3/3) for Healers and Dealers Quest.
Return 3 x medical supplies to (09) and finish Healers and Dealers Quest.
Murder Scene
For Maliwannabees Quest.
Supply Vehicle
For Maliwannabees Quest.
Rax and Max Base
- If you come here without Maliwannabees Quest you will meet Borman Notes, you can kill hi for exp.
- If you come here for Maliwannabees Quest you will find Rax and Max. You have to kill only one, and do so.
- After you kill one (of two) Bosses, and you exit this Base, your quest giver will tell you to kill second one, and do so.
There is Red Chest here, you have to jump to to get it.
Return to Ziff to finish Maliwannabees Quest.
See video above about how to use elevator.
This location is not available. Will be available later in the game.
After visiting Meridian Metroplex
Entrance from Meridian Metroplex
You come here for Technical NOGout Quest (Meridian Metroplex).
Quinn Laboratory
You come here for Technical NOGout Quest (Meridian Metroplex).
Kill Maliwan and find Quinn.
Quinn talk to him, and follow his orders.
Drive NOG Catcher Car (it is outside laboratory) and capture 3 NOGs, then return to Quinn. Perform tests.
Defend Quinn and get reward.
After visiting Lectra City
For Porta Prison from Lectra City, find Trashmouth here and follow him by vehicle.
Destroy Trashmouth's technical and pickup Illegal Weapon for Porta Prison Quest to finish it.
Return to Lectra City
Borderlands 3 Map Legend
Crew Challenges
On most maps you will find hidden Crew Challenges. They appear on the map as you approach them. Crew Challenges can be treated as optional tasks. They are not mandatory, but they bring EXP and rewards, and are also included in Zone Progress.
Typhon Logs are a special type of Crew Challenges. The solution of three Typhon Logs on a given map gives you access to Typhon Dead Drop Crew Challenge with reward chest.
Red Chest
Red Chests are a special type of container with better weapons or equipment. They are treated as a reward. They are located in specific places, they are hidden or well protected by Bosses. They belong to the Zone Progress of a given zone map. There are from one to three Red Chests in each zone.
Fast Travel Station
Use the fast travel network to revisit explored areas.
Borderlands 3 lets you teleport from anywhere to any previously discovered Fast Travel station or even your most recently used vehicle, all via the map in your ECHO device, this also include Fast Travel stations on other planet.
Quest Starter
This is where the mission / quest begins. The Quest Giver can be an NPC, an item, or the quest starts automatically at the entrance to the location.
Catch-A-Ride - Vehicle Station
Vehicles you encounter are yours for the taking. You can always digistruct a vehicle at any Catch-A-Ride station, but there's also the option of a quick hijacking if aggressive bandit drivers get too close.
Marcus' Munitions
Vending Machine with Weapons and Equipment. In addition to buying, you can also sell your equipment here.
Veteran Rewards
There is a special vending machine with premium equipment on the Sanctuary III space ship.
Ammo Dump
Vending Machine with Ammunition.
Dr. Zed's Meds
Vending Machine with Medicines.
Collectible audio logs with lore about past of Borderlands universe.
Eridian Writings
At the beginning of the game you can't do anything about Eridian Writings, they will be needed later when the story comes to the right moment.
Friendly NPC
Friendly NPCs provide interaction, conversation, or give missions. You also often come back to them for prizes.
Hostile NPC
Hostile Boss, Special Enemy, tougher opponents.
You can take this vehicle, drive it or take it to Catch-A-Ride station to own it. If you disassembly it at Catch-A-Rideyou will acquire new components for your vehicle.
Map Transition
Location Exit / Entrance, connection to a different map.
Quick Change Station
Player Customization. Show off in style, equipping custom Heads, Skins, Emotes, and cool ECHO Skins. Explore skill builds, by resetting your invested skill points!