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- Emprise du Lion
Emprise du Lion Dragon Age: Inquisition Map
Emprise du Lion Map Dragon Age: Inquisition

Emprise du Lion Walkthrough Dragon Age: Inquisition
The ancient and the modern co-exist in the highlands of Emprise du Lion, where relics of the lost elven nation are scattered among bustling human villages. These hills are home to the village of Sahrnia, known throughout Orlais for its quarry, which produces azure granite of remarkable quality.
My dearest Josephine,
The hills of Emprise du Lion are in peril. A maidservant recently returned from visiting an uncle in Sahrnia spoke of gruff, helmeted men about the village's quarry, and the appearance of strange red crystals in the fields close by. I suspected red lyrium and sent men to investigate, but the bridges leading to the area had all been destroyed - the red templars' handiwork, I wager.
If we do not act quickly, all of the highlands may be lost.
I wish I bore fairer tidings, my dear. My warmest regards to your family. I pray for the quelling of these winter winds of chaos, that we may meet again in springtime.
Your truest friend and ally, Edouard Desjardins
QUEST: A Timely Intervention
QUEST: The Corruption of Sahrnia
QUEST: Take Back the Lion
QUEST: Rift on Frozen Water
QUEST: Rift at Elfsblood Tower
QUEST: Rift at Dragon's Cleft
QUEST: Rift in the Springs
QUEST: Shards in the Emprise
QUEST: Coat Requisition in the Emprise
QUEST: Brazier Requisition in the Emprise
COLLECTION: Landmarks in the Emprise
COLLECTION: Regions in the Emprise
COLLECTION: Shards in the Emprise
QUEST: Mama's Ring Ring is in (20)
Inside House
NPC: Mistress Poulin talk with her about Take Back the Lion Quest
NPC: Louis
NPC: Ser Michel
Michel will join Inquisition after you finish Call Me Imshael Quest, killing Imshael.
ITEM: Primeval Red Lyrium for Seeing Red Quest
Jump up ruin to read note (nothing important)
NPC: Gordon the Frank for Unfinished Business Quest
ITEM: Note
QUEST: Stalker go to 09
ITEM: Note for Stalker Quest
ITEM: Primeval Red Lyrium for Seeing Red Quest
QUEST: Valeska's Watch
Find The Key Valeska's Watch, key in Secret near entrance.
Inside you will find Landmark to claim.
Secret: Joining Chalice - for Memories of the Grey Quest
Locked Doors
Kill all enemies and Energize breach.
Claim next Landmark
Read Grey Warden Diaries
Secret: Grey Warden Armor - for Memories of the Grey Quest
ITEM: Journal Found Near Dead Elf
QUEST: Ruined Blade
Operation: Find the Cradle of Sulevin at the war table.
This will open you entrance to Cradle of Sulevin from war table.
More info about : Cradle of Sulevin
QUEST: Rocky Rescue
You will need rogue to open cages.
Location of Villagers are marked on map.
Kill Templar Mage or Templar Lieutenant to get the quest.
QUEST: Red Captors Locations of enemy are marked on map.
For Before the Dawn Quest
ITEM: Note
QUEST: Caged Confession Return to Louis at (03)
ITEM: Orders
QUEST: Quarry Quandary Return to Mistress Poulin at (03)
NPC: Infected Woman
QUEST: Words Not Hollow
ITEM: Mamma's Ring for Mama's Ring Quest
Return to (02) with ring.
ITEM: Fisherman's Letter
QUEST: Sifting Trough Rubble go to (30) after restoring bridge.
ITEM: Letters Home
QUEST: Turning the Tables
NPC: Ser Michael
QUEST: Call Me Imshael Kill Imshael at (26)
ITEM: Felandaris Rare herb for Letter from a Lover Quest in The Hinterlands.
NPC: Demon Imshael Fight Imshael don't alow him to fool you.
NPC: Wounded Templar
Claim Suldein Keep
Go to Ser Michel (04) and tell him about Imshael.
NPC: Baron Eduard Desjardins
QUEST: They Shall Not Pass Go to (29)
Return to War Table and select Restore Judicael's Crossing Operation.
After Restoring Judicael's Crossing
Return to Baron Eduard Desjardins.
NPC: Baron Eduard Desjardins
QUEST: Security Safe Passage
For Sifting Through Rubble Quest
NPC: Hivernal High Dragon lvl 19
NPC: Kaltenzahn High Dragon lvl 21
NPC: Highland Ravager High Dragon lvl 23
Map Legend for Dragon Age: Inquisition
Location - This is in game location. The sequence of numbers shows suggested order of visiting locations.
Starting Quest Location This is location with quest giver. It can be item, person or place.
Inquisition Camp - Heals, restock potion, place to rest, change party members, use it to fast travel. Setup camps as fast as you can.
Landmark - POIs (Points of Interest). Visit and claim to complete collections.
Shop Traders & Merchants, to buy / sell items.
Crafting Station - Here you can create or modify Weapons, Armor, Accesories, Runes and Potions.
Fade Rift - You can close Rifts using your ability. Rifts grows in difficulties in following locations. Closing a Fade rift rewards with amount of Power. There are a total of 81 rifts in Thedas.
Astrarium - Astrariums are ancient relics of Tevinter origin that allow the viewing of constellations in the stars. Solve Astrarium puzzles to reveal secret location with treasure.
Ocularum - Use Ocularums to reveal locations of magical Shards. Shards can be used in Forbidden Oasis Location.
Dungeon Entrence - Entrence to Cave, Dungeon, Crypt, Underground.
Locked Door - This kind of Locked Doors require Special Key or "Deft Hands, Fine Tools" Inquisition Perk
Fast Travel - You can travel to this points pointing on world map.
Area Exit This is Exit to main map
Mosaic Piece Collect mosaic for Collections. Mosaic sets are Sacrifice, Invasion, The Fall, Archdemon and Freed Are Slaves. Each Mosaic set has 12 pieces.
Bottle of Thedas Collect Bottles for Collections. There are 29 bottles that can be collected.
Inquisition Agent Here you can hire new Inquisition Agent.
Party Member Here you can recruit new Party Member
Secret - Use Search ("V" on PC) to reveal secrets. Sometimes you need to use search key few times.
Codex Entry It can be book, letter, place, item. After you collect 250 codex entries you become Loremaster.
Specials - Important place, interesting place, easy to be missed, just look around carefully.
Ballad Collection - Song Lyrics or sung song for Collection. There are 21 songs to collect.
Logging Stand - for Resource Requisition Quest, used for crafting Skyhold improvements.
Quarry - for Resource Requisition Quest,, used for crafting Skyhold improvements.
Artifact - Artifact to Activate for Solas. When activated they strengthen the Veil in the close area.
Glyph - Use Veilfire to obtain Rune
Keep - Tou have to defeat enemy and claim this keep for Inquisition, then it will be your Camp.
Operation - You have to perform Operation here.
Dragon - Dragon for High Dragon Collection. There are 10 high dragons in Dragon Age: Inquisition.
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