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- Cradle of Sulevin
Cradle of Sulevin Dungeon Dragon Age: Inquisition Map
Cradle of Sulevin Dungeon Map Dragon Age: Inquisition

Cradle of Sulevin Dungeon Walkthrough Dragon Age: Inquisition
Cradle of Sulevin - Story recited by Neria, First to Keeper Elindra of Clan Ralaferin, to Mathias Laren, Inquisition scribe
The Sulevin Blade: a sword with purpose.
When our people ruled the Dales, the blade's purpose was to defend our borders. When the Chantry marched against us, its purpose was to protect the innocent from those who would oppress us. More than one great hand wielded it in battle.
Yet few know its name. Fewer still will speak of it.
The Exalted March stretched on, and the Chantry's forces were nearing victory. A band of elves could not bear the loss. Desperation drove them to take the Sulevin Blade. A wish for vengeance gave the sword a new purpose.
"If the Chantry thinks us monsters," they thought, "then who are we to argue?"
They spilled innocent blood to power their magic. With it, they would defeat their enemies. Only the ritual failed. The elves stood in the darkness, blood on their fingers, bodies at their feet. Then they heard the sound of footsteps. The elves' wish for vengeance was granted to those they had slaughtered. Spirits reached beyond the Veil and claimed the elves where they stood.
As for the Sulevin Blade, the sword lies broken in the accursed place where the elves attempted their ritual. Perhaps one day it will be reforged and given a new purpose. But at what cost? The location was lost long ago. Those who seek the sword never return. Some say they are claimed by the same spirits who were angered so long ago.
As much as we long for our past, there are some memories better left buried.
Located on the edge of the Arbor Wilds, nature long ago reclaimed the Cradle of Sulevin. It is said that an ancient tragedy unfolded here and that a legendary elven sword lies within.
QUEST: Ruined Blade
You can start this quest in Emprise du Lion (13) reading Journal Found Near Dead Elf and finishing Find the Cradle of Sulevin Operation at the War Table
Light Veilfire
Use Veilfire on Altar
Fight Revenant
ITEM: Elvhen Sword Hilt loot from Revenant for Ruined Blade Quest
Use Veilfire on Altar
Fight Revenant
ITEM: Elvhen Sword Pommel loot from Revenant for Ruined Blade Quest
ITEM: Felandaris for Letter from a Lover Quest in The Hinterlands (59)
Go down to Sanctuary of the Dead
Light Veilfire
Use Veilfire on Altar
Fight Revenant
ITEM: Elvhen Sword Blade loot from Revenant for Ruined Blade Quest
Use Veilfire on Altar
Fight Revenant
ITEM: Elvhen Sword Guard loot from Revenant for Ruined Blade Quest
Give all four parts of the sword to Dagna in Skyhold

Sulevin Blade
Map Legend for Dragon Age: Inquisition
Location - This is in game location. The sequence of numbers shows suggested order of visiting locations.
Starting Quest Location This is location with quest giver. It can be item, person or place.
Inquisition Camp - Heals, restock potion, place to rest, change party members, use it to fast travel. Setup camps as fast as you can.
Landmark - POIs (Points of Interest). Visit and claim to complete collections.
Shop Traders & Merchants, to buy / sell items.
Crafting Station - Here you can create or modify Weapons, Armor, Accesories, Runes and Potions.
Fade Rift - You can close Rifts using your ability. Rifts grows in difficulties in following locations. Closing a Fade rift rewards with amount of Power. There are a total of 81 rifts in Thedas.
Astrarium - Astrariums are ancient relics of Tevinter origin that allow the viewing of constellations in the stars. Solve Astrarium puzzles to reveal secret location with treasure.
Ocularum - Use Ocularums to reveal locations of magical Shards. Shards can be used in Forbidden Oasis Location.
Dungeon Entrence - Entrence to Cave, Dungeon, Crypt, Underground.
Locked Door - This kind of Locked Doors require Special Key or "Deft Hands, Fine Tools" Inquisition Perk
Fast Travel - You can travel to this points pointing on world map.
Area Exit This is Exit to main map
Mosaic Piece Collect mosaic for Collections. Mosaic sets are Sacrifice, Invasion, The Fall, Archdemon and Freed Are Slaves. Each Mosaic set has 12 pieces.
Bottle of Thedas Collect Bottles for Collections. There are 29 bottles that can be collected.
Inquisition Agent Here you can hire new Inquisition Agent.
Party Member Here you can recruit new Party Member
Secret - Use Search ("V" on PC) to reveal secrets. Sometimes you need to use search key few times.
Codex Entry It can be book, letter, place, item. After you collect 250 codex entries you become Loremaster.
Specials - Important place, interesting place, easy to be missed, just look around carefully.
Ballad Collection - Song Lyrics or sung song for Collection. There are 21 songs to collect.
Logging Stand - for Resource Requisition Quest, used for crafting Skyhold improvements.
Quarry - for Resource Requisition Quest,, used for crafting Skyhold improvements.
Artifact - Artifact to Activate for Solas. When activated they strengthen the Veil in the close area.
Glyph - Use Veilfire to obtain Rune
Keep - Tou have to defeat enemy and claim this keep for Inquisition, then it will be your Camp.
Operation - You have to perform Operation here.
Dragon - Dragon for High Dragon Collection. There are 10 high dragons in Dragon Age: Inquisition.
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