Voracious Canopy Map for Borderlands 3
Borderlands 3 Map for Voracious Canopy on Eden-6 planet, with Zone Progress, Quest Starters, NPC, Bosses, Crew Challenges, ECHO Logs, Typhon Logs, Eridian Writings, Vending Machines, Red Chests, Vehicle Station and Fast Travel Station. Borderlands 3 Game Guide & Walkthrough.

Voracious Canopy Zone Progress
Voracious Canopy Zone Progress | ||
Missions | 2 | |
Locations | 11 | |
Fast Travel Stations | 1 | |
Eridian Writings | 1 | |
Red Chests | 3 | |
Crew Challenges | 7 |
Voracious Canopy Crew Challenges
Dead Claptrap
Salvage a Dance Protocol Driver.
Salvage parts from decommissioned Claptrap units to help Claptrap build a friend.
Legendary Hunt
Defeat the legendary Jabbermogwai.
Defeat unique beasts for Sir Hammerlock.
Typhon Logs
Find the Voracious Canopy Typhon Logs (3)
Follow the decades-old journey of The First Vault Hunter by collecting all three Typhon Journals in this area. Once you've found them all, Tannis will be able to triangulate the location of the secret Typhon Dead Drop cache and unlock it for you.
Typhon Dead Drop
Loot the Voracious Canopy Dead Drop cache.
Collect all three Typhon Journals so Tannis can triangulate the location of Typhon's Dead Drop cache and unlock it for you.
Voracious Canopy Locations
- Bridge of the Jewel
- Cargo Hold
- Distribution Corridor
- Kingdom of Bobo the Great
- Outer Hull
- Private Shuttle Bay
- Science Outpost
- Security Bay
- The Green Labyrinth
- The Terradome
- Wreck of the Family Jewel
Voracious Canopy Missions
The Family Jewel Main Mission, LVL29 - from Floodmoor Basin
Rumble In The Jungle Side Mission, LVL 29
Voracious Canopy Walkthrough: Deep Jungle

Voracious Canopy Zone Borderlands 3
Entrance from Floodmoor Basin
You come here from Floodmoor Basin for The Family Jewel Main Mission, LVL29
Montgomery Jakobs left a final message for his son, Wainwright, with a clue to find the Eden-6 Vault Key fragments. Hopefully they're just in a safety deposit box or something and not nestled deep in the primeval heart of an untamed jungle. Fingers crossed...
The southern part of the map is devoted to Main Mission: The Family Jewel and the northern part to Side Mission: Rumble In The Jungle. The order of visiting is indifferent, I started by exploring the northern part.
The Green Labyrinth
You found the body of a dead scientist.
Rumble In The Jungle Side Mission, LVL 29
A doomed scientific expedition, a bot that fails at everything, intelligent jabbers, and things just ge weirder from there.
Typhon Log
Jump up to take Typhon Log.
Science Outpost Entrance
For Rumble In The Jungle Side Mission, enter and clear area.
- Clear jabber infestation (3)
- Find Clues (3)
All hut doors are locked, you have to find another way.
First Clue
For Rumble In The Jungle Side Mission.
Second Clue
The door of the hut is locked, go around the other side of the hut and shoot through the window at the shield which is inside.

Second Clue for Rumble In The Jungle show full size
The door of the hut is locked, go around the other side of the hut and shoot through the window at the shield which is inside.
Third Clue
To enter the hut and get a third clue, you need to climb a footbridge on the slope near the house and jump on the roof or balcony, then enter through the window.

Third Clue for Rumble In The Jungle show full size
To enter the hut and get a third clue, you need to climb a footbridge on the slope near the house and jump on the roof or balcony, then enter through the window.
Typhon Log
Take Typhon Log.
Red Chest in Science Outpost
Red Chest
Watch video walkthrough below:

Voracious Canopy - Red Chest in Science Outpost Walkthrough YouTube
Find Failurebot for Rumble In The Jungle Side Mission, follow him.
Collect Echo Log for Rumble In The Jungle.
Kingdom of Bobo the Great
- Complete Trial of Agility
- Complete Trial of Strength - kill King's Champions
- Complete Trial of Wisdom
- Jump into the chasm
- Prove yourself
Speak to Jabber King
Speak to King Bobo the Almighty
Take Echo Log.
Secret Lab Entrance
For Rumble In The Jungle Side Mission
You have to take Echo Log from cage hanging near Secret Lab Entrance. Jump from standing cage.
Secret Lab
Talk to Scaleon Hivemind
- Prove yourself
Secret Lab Second Room
Talk to iOsaur, Queen of the Scaleon and issue challenge.
Return to Science Outpost.
The Terradome
Kill iOsaur, Queen of the Scaleon and King Bobo the Almighty and speak to Triumphbot to finish Rumble In The Jungle Side Mission
Now return to The Family Jewel Main Mission
Dead Claptrap
Salvage a Dance Protocol Driver.
From lower level you have to follow cave to the end.
For The Family Jewel Main Mission, pick up pink plushie.
Wreck of the Family Jewel
Enter Wreck of the Family Jewel spacecraft, meele panel and cut hydraulic lines.
Inside Wreck of the Family Jewel
The star ship, although seemingly large and multi-level, , is a fairly linear location because most of the doors are locked. Go forward all the time, just like the story leads. The ship is of course full of enemies. So that you don't have to visit it again, it's important to include the following:
Lower Level
You will start at lower level in Outer Hull, open door and go right to Medical Bay.
Medical Bay
Enter and put BALEX on EMS Bot
Follow BALEX
Cargo Hold
Kill all and take stairs level up.
Middle Level
Distribution Corridor
Follow it to control room, defend BELEX.
Security Bay
Defend BELEX again.
When you get to Ammo Dump and Dr. Zed's Meds, stop the Family Jewel Mission for a moment and go right and up to the higher level to collect Typhon Log, Echo Log and Red Chest.
Ammo Dump and Dr. Zed's Meds
Standing in the front of vending machines, go right, then left around the corner, climb up to upper level.
Upper Level
Typhon Log
Jump up to take Typhon Log.
Take Echo log in one of next rooms on this level.
Red Chest in southern Family Jewel
Red Chest
Shot water valve in next room to power doors - watch video walkthrough below.

Voracious Canopy - Red Chest and Typhon Log in southern Wreck of the Family Jewel YouTube
Return to Ammo Dump and Dr. Zed's Meds (25) and continue The Family Jewel Main Mission
Private Shuttle Bay
Kill bots, get the container (you have to jump on it), install BALEX
Take Echo Log in next room.
Go to the Bridge, resuply in vending machines and jump to final location.
Bridge of the Jewel
Kill GenIVIV for The Family Jewel Main Mission.
Collect Vault Key Fragment
Collect BALEX
Get Red Chest from the room with Fast Travel Station.
Return to Sanctuary
After return from Sanctuary
Legendary Hunt
Defeat the legendary Jabbermogwai.
Typhon Dead Drop
Loot the Voracious Canopy Dead Drop cache.
Borderlands 3 Map Legend
Crew Challenges
On most maps you will find hidden Crew Challenges. They appear on the map as you approach them. Crew Challenges can be treated as optional tasks. They are not mandatory, but they bring EXP and rewards, and are also included in Zone Progress.
Typhon Logs are a special type of Crew Challenges. The solution of three Typhon Logs on a given map gives you access to Typhon Dead Drop Crew Challenge with reward chest.
Red Chest
Red Chests are a special type of container with better weapons or equipment. They are treated as a reward. They are located in specific places, they are hidden or well protected by Bosses. They belong to the Zone Progress of a given zone map. There are from one to three Red Chests in each zone.
Fast Travel Station
Use the fast travel network to revisit explored areas.
Borderlands 3 lets you teleport from anywhere to any previously discovered Fast Travel station or even your most recently used vehicle, all via the map in your ECHO device, this also include Fast Travel stations on other planet.
Quest Starter
This is where the mission / quest begins. The Quest Giver can be an NPC, an item, or the quest starts automatically at the entrance to the location.
Catch-A-Ride - Vehicle Station
Vehicles you encounter are yours for the taking. You can always digistruct a vehicle at any Catch-A-Ride station, but there's also the option of a quick hijacking if aggressive bandit drivers get too close.
Marcus' Munitions
Vending Machine with Weapons and Equipment. In addition to buying, you can also sell your equipment here.
Veteran Rewards
There is a special vending machine with premium equipment on the Sanctuary III space ship.
Ammo Dump
Vending Machine with Ammunition.
Dr. Zed's Meds
Vending Machine with Medicines.
Collectible audio logs with lore about past of Borderlands universe.
Eridian Writings
At the beginning of the game you can't do anything about Eridian Writings, they will be needed later when the story comes to the right moment.
Friendly NPC
Friendly NPCs provide interaction, conversation, or give missions. You also often come back to them for prizes.
Hostile NPC
Hostile Boss, Special Enemy, tougher opponents.
You can take this vehicle, drive it or take it to Catch-A-Ride station to own it. If you disassembly it at Catch-A-Rideyou will acquire new components for your vehicle.
Map Transition
Location Exit / Entrance, connection to a different map.
Quick Change Station
Player Customization. Show off in style, equipping custom Heads, Skins, Emotes, and cool ECHO Skins. Explore skill builds, by resetting your invested skill points!