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- Jedi Survivor Map
- Derelict Dam
Derelict Dam Map Star Wars Jedi Survivor
Derelict Dam Map Koboh Planet for Star Wars Jedi Survivor

Map of Derelict Dam, detailed and discovered in 100%, planet Koboh for Star Wars Jedi Survivor. Derelict Dam Map reveals all Collectible Locations and secrets:
- Cosmetic Chests in Derelict Dam (8);
- Treasures in Derelict Dam, Priorite Shards, Jedha Scrolls, Datadiscs (10);
- Databank in Derelict Dam, Collectible Force Echoes (10);
- Databank (Story) in Derelict Dam, Story Force Echoes (2);
- Health Essences in Derelict Dam (1);
- Force Essences in Derelict Dam (1);
- Skill Point Essences in Derelict Dam (2);
- Perk Essences in Derelict Dam (1);
- Stim Canisters in Derelict Dam (1);
- Force Tears in Derelict Dam (1);
- Seed Pods in Derelict Dam (13);
- Legendary Enemies in Derelict Dam (1);
- Tactical Guide Updates in Derelict Dam (3);
Derelict Dam Map Walkthrough Koboh
Walkthrough for Derelict Dam in Star Wars Jedi Survivor with Story, Quests, All Collectible Locations, Chests, Treasures, Priorite Shards, Jedha Scrolls, Datadiscs, Databank, Collectible Force Echoes, Story Force Echoes, Health Essences, Force Essences, Skill Point Essences, Perk Essences, Stim Canisters, Force Tears, Seed Pods, Legendary Enemies, Tactical Guide Updates, Meditation Points, Shortcuts, and secrets.
Derelict Dam is located on Koboh Planet, Dredger Gorge, Fast Travel, Trontoshell, zone Completion 100%.
Derelict Dam Map Completion Planet Koboh
Meditation Points 1
Databank Collectibles 10
Databank Story 2
Chests 8
Treasures 10
Force Tears 1
Legendary Enemies 1
Tactical Guide3
Health Essences 1
Force Essences 1
Skill Point Essences 2
Perk Essences 1
Stim Canisters 1
Seed Pods 13
Shortcuts 4
Map Completion 100%
Follow the numbers to find the discovery order.
Entrance from Gorge Crash Site
Here you enter from Gorge Crash Site
Follow the path down the slope
Murdered Prospector
Databank Collectible Force Echo - Koboh - Dredger Gorge (117)
The Raiders who patrol the gorge appear merciless in prosecuting trespassers, acting as judge, jury and executioner on any hapless prospector caught in their sights.
Go to Meditation Point
Meditation Point
Derelict Dam
Meditation Point
Fast Travel Activated
From now you can Fast Travel quickly between any two visited Meditation Points on same planet.
Check out the side path first.
Gorocco (054)
Tactical Guide Update

Gorocco (054)
Star Wars Jedi Survivor Tactical Guide Update
Gorocco Nest
Databank Collectible Force Echo - Koboh - Dredger Gorge (128)
The gorocco - a large, easily incensed predator - found plentiful prey in the prospectors and raiders that came to their hunting grounds. Scattered remains, though impossible to identify fully, indicate that the gorocco are not short on meals.
Health Essence Upgrade
Return to [02] and go to [04]
Most of the passages are closed for now, but we will systematically open them.
Cactus Ball
Seed Pod - Garden Seed
Fire Pineapple: Felucian Yellow
Seed Pod - Garden Seed
Dead Bedlam Raider
Databank Collectible Force Echo - Koboh - Dredger Gorge (127)
The body of a long-dead Bedlam Raider, clearly killed by blaster bolts, which mark the body indiscriminately.
Weapon Material - Light Metal
Cosmetic Chest
- Elevator not working, need to unlock it from the other side, we'll do that later.
- NPC Prospector - no one important, talk to him, he's waiting for him to escape. When you unlock the passages, he will run away.
- Workbench you can use it if you like.
A side path leads to a blocked cave. We will unlock it in a moment, for now collect Treasure.
Priorite Shard
Return to [04] and go to [07]
Scan two Force Echoes then jump to floating platform and climb up the plants.
Dam Flow Pipes
Databank Collectible Force Echo - Koboh - Dredger Gorge (126)
The positioning of this flow pipe across two reservoirs indicates that it was used to control the movement of tar between the dams, in order to maintain a safe level for prospectors to work.
Crumbling Dam Wall
Databank Collectible Force Echo - Koboh - Dredger Gorge (123)
A lack of maintenance, and the relentless creep of time, has visibly worn many of the gorge's dams down to a dangerous state - cracks and leaks can be seen everywhere across their aging surfaces.
Watch for Roller Mines.
A Desperate Escape
Databank Collectible Force Echo - Koboh - Dredger Gorge (118)
A prospector was held up by Bedlam Raiders, who claimed the valley as their territory. The prospector ran, and the raiders gave chase.
BX Droid (028)
Tactical Guide Update

BX Droid (028)
Star Wars Jedi Survivor Tactical Guide Update
Take the side path
One of the chests is opened with a device located under the ceiling, which you can't use yet. So one chest must remain closed for now, but you can open the second one above and take Treasure.
BD-1 Materials - Anodized Metal
Cosmetic Chest
Priorite Shard
Return to [09] and follow the corridor. Go down one level.
Open Chest
Roller Mines Dispenser
Turn on the Roller Mines Dispenser, you now have an infinite supply of Roller Mines that you can use to break down blocked passages.
Break the first gate and exit to [04]
Jacket - Tactical
Cosmetic Chest
Roller Mines Tutorial
I apologize for such a naive explanation of how to use mines, you have certainly thrown thousands of grenades in your games, but there are people for whom it is not obvious.
To use Roller Mine as a PROJECTILE
Force PUSH mine in the direction you wish, the mine will explode upon encountering an obstacle.
To use Roller Mine as a GRENADE
- Force PULL mine (hold PULL button), it will fly towards you and detonator will start counting down;
- Keep Force PULL pressed, aim where you want to throw the mine;
- Press the Force PUSH button to throw the mine like a grenade.
How to move grenades without exploding them?
While Roller Mines are trapped in Tar, you cannot move them.
But normally Roller Mines pop out of dispensers, you just have to RUN from them while getting enough distance.
You can check the distance by the color of the aiming beam that is tracking you.
- RED - it's about to explode;
- YELLOW - it's too close;
- BLUE - it's at the right distance.
In this way, you can move Roller Mines to the places where you want to use them.
After activate Roller Mines Dispenser in [11]
Opening blocked passages in Derelict Dam
- You have already unlocked the first gate in [11];
- The second gate in [12] can be unlocked by leading the Roller Mine to [05] and throwing it to [12];
- The next step is to unlock the footbridge in [14];
- The last gate is in [15], you need to pull the Roller Mine over platform and throw it at [15].
![Video Roller Mines, opening blocked passages in Derelict Dam - Koboh (WALKTHROUGH 02) [12][14][15]](https://img.youtube.com/vi/OhniwybfaZI/maxresdefault.jpg)
Youtube: Roller Mines, opening blocked passages in Derelict Dam - Koboh (WALKTHROUGH 02) [12][14][15]
YouTube: Roller Mines, opening blocked passages in Derelict Dam - Koboh (WALKTHROUGH 02) [12][14][15]Blocked cave, open the passage by throwing a Roller Mine
Go to end of cave, scan Force Echo and climb up and take Treasure, another Force Echo and Seed.
Creature Bones
Databank Collectible Force Echo - Koboh - Dredger Gorge (121)
The bones of some ancient creature partially exposed by excavation. It must date back several centuries.
Priorite Shard
Abandoned Encampment
Databank Collectible Force Echo - Koboh - Dredger Gorge (120)
The scattered debris of a rudimentary encampment. Whoever was here possessed some mechanical ability, but no evidence of their work remains.
Cactus Ball: Felucian Yellow
Seed Pod - Garden Seed
The closed gate [A] will remain closed for now, we'll come back here later.
Force Essence Upgrade
Shortcut [05]
Activate the elevator by standing on it.
Unlock the footbridge using Roller Mines.
Pull the Roller Mine over platform and throw it at [15] to open last gate.
Climb up and go to [16]
Jump for Chest, platform above pool is unavilable for now.
Hair - Mullet
Cosmetic Chest
There are two Treasures within the pool.
Priorite Shard
Under platform
Priorite Shard
Under bridge, near [15]
Path to the left [B] is blocked for now go straight.

Youtube: Trontoshell in Derelict Dam on Koboh Story Star Wars Jedi Survivor
YouTube: Trontoshell in Derelict Dam on Koboh Story Star Wars Jedi SurvivorTrontoshell
Databank Collectible Force Echo - Koboh - Dredger Gorge (130)
The towering trontoshells are as much a landmark of Koboh as the majestic mountains or cratered swamps. Usually found looming over the path into Dredger Gorge, they subsist on a fully herbivorous diet, though those who get up close to the inquisitive creature's enormous mouth often find themselves doubting if that's the case.
Later you can interact with Trontoshell after you got Confusion: Major Fauna in Bilemaw Den, see [37]
Databank Story Force Echo - Characters - BD-1 (002)
Curious to a fault and fearless, BD-1 will scan anything that moves, even if his target could eat him.
Fire Pineaple
Seed Pod - Garden Seed
Take elevator down.
Follow the corridor
Defeat all enemies at ground level.
Move the crate, jump up one level and take chest.
BD-1 Head - Scrapyard
Cosmetic Chest
Cut line and return to ground level.
Climb plants and using line jump up where you see Boglings
Databank Story Force Echo - Lore (431)
The humble Bogling was thought endemic only to Bogano, but has somehow crossed the distance, and heckles of the creature now thrive on Koboh. Fluffy and agile, their ability to run on their toes gives them great dexterity amongst rocky and craggy terrain.
Jump up by bouncing off the walls of the shaft, just like the Boglings do.
You are close to exit to Southern Reach in Rambler’s Reach but don't leave your current Zone yet.
Jump up to top of shaft to pick treasure.
Priorite Shard
Now make one step to Southern Reach and use Southern Reach Meditation Point to fast travel back to Derelict Dam Meditation Point [02]
Derelict Dam Meditation Point
Now it's time to visit the bottom of the canyon.
Drop Down using plants near Meditation Point
Destroyed Dam
Databank Collectible Force Echo - Koboh - Dredger Gorge (122)
As a result of what looks like deliberate sabotage, the dam wall has split, allowing huge amounts of tar to spill through the breach and onto whatever lies below.
Cactus Ball: Felucian Yellow
Seed Pod - Garden Seed
BD-1 Body - Scrapyard
Cosmetic Chest
Drowned Prospector
Databank Collectible Force Echo - Koboh - Dredger Gorge (116)
The remains of a prospector, who stumbled into a tar reservoir. They panicked and slipped into the pit, where the sucking tar caught fast and sealed their fate.
Priorite Shard
Treasure is above ground level on on a rock shelf, jump there from above.
Pick up the Seed from the ledge below.
Cactus Ball
Seed Pod - Garden Seed
Pull rope and jumping on walls go up.
Skill Point Essence
Activate Shortcut
To wszystko na pierwszą wizytę w Derelict Dam. Idź do [23] i wyjdź do Southern Reach.
Exit to Southern Reach Zone
After you learn Force Lift, Force Slam, Force Dash, Upgraded Ascension Cable and Koboh Grinder.
Shorter way back
Use Force Slam on wall and using Jedi Flip and Force Dash you can jump to the other side.
Upper Platform with Gorocco Matriarch
You will need Force Lift and Upgraded Ascension Cable.
You have to use Force Lift on gate.
Gorocco Matriarch
Gorocco Matriarch
Legendary Enemy
Gorocco Matriarch
Tactical Guide Update

Gorocco Matriarch
Star Wars Jedi Survivor Tactical Guide Update
Stim Canister Upgrade
Stim Canister is treated as Collectible Chest
Shortcut to [13]
Use Upgraded Ascension Cable
Upper Platform
Fire Pineapple: Rare
Seed Pod - Garden Seed
Fire Pineapple
Seed Pod - Garden Seed
Fire Pineapple
Seed Pod - Garden Seed
Priorite Shard
Skill Point Essence
You will need Force Slam, Force Dash and Koboh Grinder.
You have to use Force Slam on pilar and jump up.
Fire Pineapple: Alderaanian Blue
Seed Pod - Garden Seed
Take Treasure and then take Energy Ball
Priorite Shard
Take Treasure from top of shaft, jumping up.
Put Ball here
Activate Roller Mine Dispenser
Use Roller Mine to break the barrier
Use Koboh Grinder to burn upper barrier
Jump to top floor.
Go up and take New Perk Slot
New Perk Slot
Perk Essence
After Boiling Bluff Zone
You can visit top level of Derelict Dam after finishing Boiling Bluff.
You will need Upgraded Ascension Cable.
This is top level of Derelict Dam.
There is an elevator that takes you there but you have to unlock it from the top.
To get there, you need to tame a giant bird in Boiling Bluff that will bring you here.
Fire Pineapple: Dathomirian Red
Seed Pod - Garden Seed
Fire Pineapple
Seed Pod - Garden Seed
Fire Pineapple
Seed Pod - Garden Seed
Priorite Shard
Catch the robot
Fractured Agility
Force Tear Platforming Challenge.
Shortcut to [04]
You need Electro Dart BD-1 special ammunition
You need Electro Dart BD-1 special ammunition to unlock this chest. You will get it on Koboh Planet in Mountain Observatory.
Weapon Materials - Two-tone Metal
Cosmetic Chest
After you get Confusion: Major Fauna in Bilemaw Den
You can interact Trontoshell after you get Confusion: Major Fauna in Bilemaw Den
Trontoshell will open Entrance to Winding Ravine zone in Dredger Gorge.
Exit to Winding Ravine Zone
Interact with Trontoshell using Confusion: Major Fauna.
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Map Description
Star Wars Jedi Survivor Map description, Collectible Locations, Chests, Treasures, Priorite Shards, Jedha Scrolls, Datadiscs, Databank, Collectible Force Echoes, Story Force Echoes, Health Essences, Force Essences, Skill Point Essences, Perk Essences, Ability Essences, Stim Canisters, Force Tears, Seed Pods, Aquarium Fish, Jedi Chambers, Legendary Enemies, Tactical Guide Updates, NPCs, Cantina Recruits, Rumors, Jukebox Tracks, Shortcuts, Mounts, and secrets.
Meditation Points
Resting at a Meditation Point will restore Cal's Health and Force, as well as respawning all enemies. You can teleport between discovered Meditation Points. Interacting with a Meditation Point will save the game, and access several other game options.
Rumors are Side Quest in Star Wars Jedi Survivor.
While playing Jedi Survivor, you will encounter various NPCs, both friendly and hostile. Some of them you can recruit are Cantina Recruits. The two NPCs Merrin and Bode will be able to become your companions.
Cantina Recruits
In Star Wars Jedi Survivor you can recruit some NPCs you meet to join your team Cantina Recruits.
Databank Collectible Force Echoes
This type of Databank Force Echoes are collectible, you have to manually scan places or items in the game. Using the Force ability Psychometry (Force Echo), Cal can acquire information about people or events from the past associated with an object or a place by touching or entering it. Force Echoes are stored in Cal's Databank. There are (?) Force Echo Locations in STAR WARS Jedi: Survivor.
Databank Story Force Echoes
These types of Force Echoes are added to the game's Databank as you visit specific locations, talk to specific characters, or progress through the plot of a story. You don't have to manually scan them and they don't count as Databank Collectibles for a specific Map.
There are two types of Chests in Star Wars Jedi Survivor: Cosmetic Chests and Stim Canister Chests
- Cosmetic Chests - Cosmetic Chests contain customization for Lightsaber, Blaster, BD-1 and Cal including Hair, Facial Hair, Jacket, Shirt and Pants
- Stim Canister Chests - Stim Canister Chests contain upgrade for BD-1 stim count.
Treasures in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor have nothing to do with the story or side quests. Treasures are type of currency that allows you to exchange Treasures for items.
There are 3 types of Treasures in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Priorite Shards, Datadiscs, and Jedha Scrolls.
- Priorite Shards - Priorite Shard Treasures can be traded for clothing, hairstyles, Jukebox Tracks, weapon materials or keycode in Doma's shop in the Rambler's Reach Outpost on Koboh Planet.
- Jedha Scrolls - Jedha Scroll Treasures can be traded for new components and lightsaber materials at Sister Taske's shop located in the Cere Archives on Planet Jedha.
- Datadiscs - Datadisc Treasures are harder to find but also more valuable. You can exchange them for perks, perk slot, droid and weapon materials with Zee The Droid in Pyloon's Saloon in Rambler's Reach on Koboh
Seed Pods
Collectible Seed for growing plants in your Rooftop Garden Garden Seeds.
Force Tears
Force Tears are glowing purple collectibles that you can find in certain locations called "Fractured" trials. These trials involve defeating opponents or completing platforming challenges within a certain time limit. If you fail, you can retry the trial. There are a total of 15 Force Tears to collect in Star Wars Jedi Survivor.
Aquarium Fish
Collectible Fish for Skoova Aquarium, Aquarium Fish
Jukebox Track
Legendary Enemies
Legendary Enemies are special encounters featuring the strongest, named versions of regular enemies, There are 13 Legendary Enemies in Star Wars Jedi Survivor.
Tactical Guide Updates
Scan every type of enemy to fill out the Tactical Guide.
Health Essence
Health Essences will increase Cal's maximum health.
Force Essence
Force Essences will increase Cal's maximum Force meter.
Skill Point Essence
Skill Point Essence will give you additional Skill Point
Perk Essence
Perk Essences will unlock new Perk
Ability Essence
Ability Essences will unlock new Ability.
Stim Canister Upgrades
Stim Canister will heal Cal, during combat. Stim Canister Upgrades will increase the number of Stim Canisters.
Entrance from Zone
Exit to Zone
You have to learn Tame Ability to use mounts. You can learn Tame in Forest Array.
Gliding is a form of using flying mounts. With Gliding you have limited control over the mount, you can fly from one place to another. You have to learn Tame Ability to glide. You can learn Tame in Forest Array.
Stinger Mantis Ship
Jedi Chambers
Jedi Chambers are dungeons designed as puzzles that test different skills, each chamber is named after the skill it challenges. There are 7 Jedi Chambers in Star Wars Jedi Survivor.
Rooftop Garden
While exploring the locations in Star Wars Jedi Survivor, you can find seeds of exotic plants, which you can then plant in your Rooftop Garden at Pyloon's Saloon roof to grow colorful varieties of the plant.
Mount Stable
The aquarium is the place where you collect exotic fish found during exploration for Skoova.
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