Gaming PC: All you need to know Guide
All you need to know Guide to Gaming PC, Best Screen Resolution for Gaming, Guide to Graphics Cards for Gaming, Best CPUs and Motherboards for PC Gaming. How much RAM do I need for Gaming PC?, PC Storage: M.2 NVMe vs SATA SSD vs HDD.
There is no one best Gaming PC configuration. Each player has their best knowledge about what gamers dream PC is, what desktop PC version is affordable for games, whether it is better to play AMD or Intel.
That is why I invite you to add your opinions in the comments under the materials on the topic you are interested in. We are happy to hear your opinion.

What is the Best Screen Resolution for PC Gaming? Guide to Screen Resolution in PC Gaming
Choosing of optimal screen resolution and best screen resolution in PC Gaming, Screen Resolution vs FPS. Gaming in 720p HD, 1080p FHD, 1440p QHD, UWQHD, 2160p UHD, Multi Monitor Setup. All you should you know about PC screen resolutions.

Graphics Cards for PC Gaming Guide to GPUs in Gaming PC
Guide to Graphics Cards (GPU) for PC Gaming, What Graphics Card should I buy for Gaming PC? What you should know about Graphics Card. Budget, Mid-Range, High-End, Best Graphics Cards for Gaming PC, Ray Tracing, NVIDIA and Radeon Naming Scheme.

Best CPU for Gaming PC Guide to CPUs in Gaming PC
AMD or Intel what is better for gaming and CPUs Name Decoding. How fast CPU do you need in Gaming PC? CPU and FPS in PC Games. Can I Overclock my CPU? Gaming CPUs Comparison Chart. What CPU should I buy for Gaming PC? Entry Level CPUs, Mid Range CPUs, Top Mainstream CPUs.

How much RAM do I need for Gaming? Guide to RAM in Gaming PC
What is RAM and how much RAM do I need for Gaming? DDR4, RAM Memory Kits, Dual Channel, RAM Speed, Cas Latency, Voltage, XMP, RAM Heat Spreader, ECC or Non-ECC, DIMM Form Factor, RAM Warranty. How to test RAM?

PC Storage Guide: M.2 NVMe vs SATA SSD vs HDD Storage Devices in Gaming PC
How much storage will I need for games and what storage should I buy for gaming PC? SATA, SSD, NVMe, M.2, USB, HDD, Hybrid, Intel Optane Memory, Optical Drive, Cloud Storage, Flash Drive. What is the best PC Storage? Comparative Performance Tests, Recommended Use.

Best Motherboard for PC Gaming PC Gaming Motherboard Guide
How to choose a motherboard for PC Gaming? Sockets, Chipsets for AMD and Intel CPUs, Motherboard Form Factors, M.2 Sockets, Cooling, Expansion Slots, Accessories, Connectors and Ports in Motherboards. What Motherboard should I buy for Gaming PC?
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