The Silverwastes Map Guild Wars 2

Map for The Silverwastes Zone in Guild Wars 2 with locations of Renown Hearts, Points of Interest, Waypoints, Hero Challenges, Vistas, Adventures, Jumping Puzzles, Maguuma, Dungeon Entrances for Guild Wars 2, GW2 Heart of Thorns, GW2 Path of Fire, End of Dragons and Living World Seasons, Guild Wars 2 Atlas & Maps.

The Silverwastes Map Guild Wars 2

The Silverwastes Map Guild Wars 2
The Silverwastes Map Guild Wars 2

This is explored and revealed map of The Silverwastes lvl 80 zone, located in Maguuma Wastes Region of Tyria in Guild Wars 2 Video Game with Renown Hearts, Waypoints, Points of Interest, Hero Challenges and Vistas.

To get to The Silverwastes, you will require Guild Wars 2 Core Game, Living World Season 2 version of the game.

The Silverwastes Map completion require:


GW2 Renown Heart

Renown Hearts


GW2 Waypoint



GW2 Point of Interest

Points of Interest


GW2 Hero Challenges

Hero Challenges


GW2 Vista


The Silverwastes does not count towards world completion.

The Silverwastes got zone specific Achievements.

The Maguuma Wastes is the area north of the Tarnished Coast. They are formed from the portions of the Maguuma Jungle that have mysteriously dried out over the years.

Thanks for help in preparing of this map to:

Pryde Soulfire of The Glowstars [GLOW]

GW2 Expansions

Core game, expansions and Living World season.

Guild Wars 2The Core Game
Living World Season 1
Living World Season 2
Guild Wars 2: Heart of ThornsFirst Expansion Pack
Living World Season 3
Guild Wars 2: Path of FireSecond Expansion Pack
Living World Season 4
Living World Season 5 - The Icebrood Saga
Guild Wars 2: End of DragonsThird Expansion Pack
What Lies Beneath

Map icons for Guild Wars 2

GW2 Renown Heart

Renown Hearts (renown regions) are specified areas in an explorable zone that give a set of tasks for a player to assist with and provide a reward upon completion.

GW2 Renown Heart Repeatable

Repeatable Renown Hearts. (Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire)

GW2 Renown Heart

POIs - Points of Interest location within the world of Tyria that can be discovered through exploration

GW2 Waypoint

Waypoints Once unlocked you can teleport yourself to the waypoint for a small fee. Waypoints have to be discovered through exploration.

GW2 Hero Challenges

Hero Challenges are task that, when completed, rewards characters with a hero point. Hero challenges are locked until a character reaches level 11.

GW2 Hero Challenges

Repeatable Hero Challenges are task that, when completed, rewards characters with a hero point. (Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire)

GW2 Vista

Vistas are an interactive object located in the world which triggers an associated cinematic. Vistas are usually hard to reach.

GW2 Heart of Thorns Adventure

Adventures are challenges (mini games) introduced in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns for level 80 players.

GW2 Heart of Thorns Maguuma Mastery

Maguuma Mastery Insights, places of power that gives you a Mastery point when you commune with them. (Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns)

GW2 Path of Fire Mastery

Path of Fire Mastery Insights, places of power that gives you a Mastery point when you commune with them. (Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire)

GW2 Path of Fire Mastery

Central Tyria Mastery Insights, places of power that gives you a Mastery point when you commune with them.

GW2 Jumping Puzzle

Jumping Puzzles are open world puzzles with platforming elements that require the player to find the correct route to the end of the puzzle.

GW2 Dungeon Entrance

Dungeon Entrance. Dungeons are optional party-based PvE instances, each with their own story. There are currently nine dungeons.

GW2 Raptor Mount

Raptor Mount (Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire)

GW2 Springer Mount

Springer Mount (Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire)

GW2 Skimmer Mount

Skimmer Mount (Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire)

GW2 Jackal Mount

Jackal Mount (Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire)

GW2 Griffon Mount

Griffon Mount (Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire)

GW2 Roller Beetle Mount

Roller Beetle Mount (Episode 3 of Living World Season 4)

GW2 Warclaw Mount

Warclaw Mount (World versus World)

Maguuma Wastes Zones in Guild Wars 2

Dry Top Map Guild Wars 2

Dry Top Map

Maguuma Wastes (80)

Guild Wars 2 Core Game

Living World Season 2

Dry Top Map Guild Wars 2
The Silverwastes Map Guild Wars 2

The Silverwastes Map

Maguuma Wastes (80)

Guild Wars 2 Core Game

Living World Season 2

The Silverwastes Map Guild Wars 2

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