The Elder Scrolls Online is massively multiplayer online role-playing game developed by ZeniMax Online Studios (Microsoft) and Published by Bethesda Softworks (Microsoft).
Available platforms: Microsoft Windows, macOS, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S and Stadia. Original release date: April 4, 2014 for Windows, OS X, the game is constantly being updated and expanded with new content.
The basic version of the game requires a one-time purchase, it gives you free access to all the basic content. Additional content, DLCs and Chapters you can buy them paying once or pay monthly ESO Plus subscription.
ESO 2025

Fallen Banners Dungeon DLC March 10, 2025
Dungeon DLC (Update 45) - Defend an Elder Scroll and save Cyrodiil from the threat of unending chaos in two 4-player PvE dungeons.
Exiled Redoubt Team up with the Imperial Battlemage Lucilla to investigate the disappearance of Alliance War soldiers.
Lep Seclusa Protect a Moth Priest sanctuary and the mysterious Elder Scroll they keep from forces set on using its power to end the Three Banner War.
What's new in The Elder Scrolls Online in 2025:
- No new Chapter, but new Seasons model;
- March 2025 - first minor content update;
- March 2025 - visually improving base game zones with updated textures and art assets will start;
- April 2025 - first Named Seasons (big announcement), new zone-based content, Seasons model (of three or six months duration) with a mix of themed story content and events;
- More zones created exclusively for high-end group and soft-group content with associated gear chase;
- and many more.
Gold Road ESO 2024 Storyline
The Gold Road’s storyline focuses on the return of a Forgotten Daedric Prince Ithelia and take place in West Weald Region located east of Gold Coast in central Tamriel.

Gold Road Chapter
The Gold Road Chapter (Update 42) storyline focuses on the return of a Forgotten Daedric Prince Ithelia and take place in West Weald Region located east of Gold Coast in central Tamriel.
New West Weald Zone ruled by the Colovian, Count Calantius is an independent nation allied to the Imperial forces. West Weald got three subzones:
Gold Road with temperate environment, location of region’s capital city, Skingrad.
Colovian Highlands is a mountainous region that is home to an Imperial settlement and Ayleid ruins. Rocky soil and dry climate is ideal location for famous vineyards.
Dawnwood home to the encroaching jungles of nearby Valenwood with dense wilderness climate inhabited by advancing Wood Elves from Vashabar settlement.
New Scribing System, new way for players to customize their character builds, creating new abilities called Grimories.
New World Events: Mirrormoor Incursions, Lucent Citadel 12-player PvE Trial.
West Weald Map Silorn Leftwheal Trading Post Gold Road Partaker Wine and Warriors Starlight Memories West Weald Delve Maps Skyshards Treasure Maps

Scions of Ithelia Dungeon DLC
Dungeon DLC (Update 41) is part of Gold Road ESO 2024 Storyline.
Oathsworn Pit Dungeon, training ground for Malacath's chosen now lies soaked with the blood of the faithful, and the God of Curses demands you enact revenge on behalf of the fallen.
Bedlam Veil Dungeon, Cultists have invaded the Bedlam Veil, located within the demiplane of Maelstrom. It’s up to you to defend this ancient vault and the mysterious relic it protects.
Update 43
New housing related feature Home Tours system to tour player homes across Tamriel.
Infinite Archive Update.
Update 44
Two Crown Store Companions: Tanlorin High Elf outcast with Dragonknight and Soul Magic abilities and Zerith-var Khajiit Necromancer.
Battlegrounds - news and updated.
And more.
The Shadow Over Morrowind 2023 Adventure
Discover the forbidden secrets of Apocrypha and fight to preserve reality in Shadow Over Morrowind. The Daedric Prince of Knowledge, Hermaeus Mora, harbors and protects many secrets best kept from mortals and Daedra alike. Now, the One Who Knows’ most closely guarded mysteries are threatened by forces unknown and reality itself is at risk!

Infinite Archive Free Update
Explore the shifting libraries of the Infinite Archive and confront the corruption at its heart.
Solo or Team PvE randomly generated stages and encounters.

Necrom Chapter
In Necrom, you become an agent of Hermaeus Mora tasked with investigating a mysterious threat to the Daedric Prince’s most closely guarded secrets. You must seek out lost knowledge deep within the heart of the City of the Dead and walk between realities to uncover a vast conspiracy powerful enough to endanger Nirn and Oblivion alike.
Telvanni Peninsula and Apocrypha Zones, new class: Arcanist, new Companions: Azandar Al-Cybiades and Sharp-As-Night, new Trial: Sanity's Edge, new World Events: Bastion Nymic.
Telvanni Peninsula Map Apocrypha Map Gorne The Underweave Necrom Companions Grave Discoveries Tomes of Unknown Color Syzygy Telvanni Peninsula Delves Apocrypha Delves Telvanni Peninsula Skyshards Apocrypha Skyshards

Scribes of Fate Dungeon DLC
Dungeon DLC part of The Shadow Over Morrowind 2023 Adventure. Scrivener’s Hall Dungeon, battle your way past the twisted acolytes of the Scribes of Mora. Bal Sunnar Dungeon, contend with the temporal magics.
Legacy of the Bretons 2022 Adventure
Explore High Isle and Amenos, a land never-before-seen in The Elder Scrolls. Traverse stunning white cliffs, majestic castles, and perilous jungles as you encounter a chivalrous Breton society. Uncover a secret order of knights led by the mysterious Ascendant Lord, who threatens to disrupt peace talks for the ongoing Three Banners War and condemn Tamriel to endless conflict.

Firesong Story DLC
New Zone island of Galen. Fight Firesong druids and Dreadsail pirates, Legacy of the Bretons 2022 adventure ends here.
Galen and Y'ffelon Map The Best of Friends Delve Maps Skyshards

High Isle Chapter
High Isle Zone, storyline of politics, honor, and intrigue that ties into the Legacy of the Bretons year-long saga. Tales of Tribute in-game collectible card game. Dreadsail Reef Trial (12-player). New World Events: Volcanic Vents. Two new Companions, Ember the Khajiit sorcerer and Isobel Breton knight.
High Isle & Amenos Map High Isle Companions Delve Maps Spire of the Crimson Coin Ghost Haven Bay Skyshards Tales of Tribute Card Game

Lost Depths DLC
Dungeon DLC part of Legacy of the Bretons 2022 Adventure. Earthen Root Enclave Dungeon, isle located in southeast coast of High Isle, take ship west of the Coral Road Wayshrine. Graven Deep Dungeon, isle located in southwest coast of High Isle, take ship from Amenos Station.

Ascending Tide DLC
Dungeon DLC that starts Legacy of the Bretons 2022 Adventure. The Coral Aerie Dungeon, race to rescue the dashing Jakarn from the clutches of the mysterious Ascendant Order and Shipwright's Regret Dungeon, aptain Za'ji needs your help to investigate the abandoned shipyard of the All Flags Navy.
The Gates of Oblivion 2021 Adventure
Uncover the schemes of the Daedric Prince Mehrunes Dagon 800 years before the events of The Elder Scrolls IV.

Deadlands DLC
Story DLC that ends The Gates of Oblivion 2021 Adventure, The Deadlands Zone with Fargrave City. Battle Prince of Destruction in the Deadlands, close the Gates of Oblivion and uncover new deadly plot of Waking Flame.
The Deadlands Map Fargrave City Map Delve Maps Atoll of Immolation Skyshards

Blackwood Chapter
Blackwood Zone, ancient land beset by Daedric forces. Rockgrove Trial (12-player). New World Events: Oblivion Portals.
Blackwood Map Blackwood Companions Delve Maps Atoll of Immolation Zenithar's Abbey The Silent Halls Skyshards

Flames of Ambition DLC
Dungeon DLC that starts Gates of Oblivion. The Cauldron Dungeon, cultists prepare shrines to the Prince of Destruction. Black Drake Villa Dungeon, archives of the Black Drake.

Walking Flame DLC
Dungeon DLC in The Gates of Oblivion 2021 Adventure. Red Petal Bastion, uncover fall of Knights of the Silver Rose order. The Dread Cellar, explore forgotten abattoir to learn secrets of The Empire.
Dark Heart of Skyrim 2020 Adventure
Dark Heart of Skyrim is The Elder Scrolls Online Gothic Adventure set in Skyrim, stop Vampire Lord from enslaving Tamriel.

Greymoor Chapter
Western Skyrim Zone, 12 Players Trial: Kyne's Aegis, World Events: Harrowstorms, Blackreach Greymoor Caverns underground caverns below Skyrim, Antiquities System.
Western Skyrim Map Blackreach Greymoor Caverns Map Antiquities Instrumental Triumph Delve Maps Labyrinthian Nchuthnkarst Skyshards

Markarth DLC
Story DLC, explore The Reach zone and capital city of Markarth. Confront a Vampire Lord and his ancient army. Blackreach: Arkthzand Cavern the underground part of The Reach.
The Reach Map Blackreach Arkthzand Cavern Map Delve Maps Skyshards

Harrowstorm DLC
Dungeon DLC starts Dark Heart of Skyrim adventure. Two 4 player group dungeons: Icereach and Unhallowed Grave.

Stonethorn DLC
Dungeon DLC with Vampire Castle Thorn and mad alchemist Stone Garden.
The Season of the Dragon 2019 Adventure
The Season of the Dragon is The Elder Scrolls Online Dragon Adventure set in Elsweyr. Explore hazardous ruins, face deadly guardians, and claim both halves of the powerful and mysterious Wrathstone.

Elsweyr Chapter
Northern Elsweyr Zone, defend Khajiit homeland, Necromancer Character Class.
Northern Elsweyr Map Mural Mender Delve Maps Rimmen Necropolis Orcrest Skyshards

Dragonhold DLC
Defend the people of Southern Elsweyr, restore the mysterious Dragonguard order, and fight back against the Dragon menace.

Wrathstone DLC
Dungeon DLC, starts The Season of the Dragon adventure. Two 4 player group dungeons: Frostvault in Eastmarch and Depths of Malatar in Gold Coast.

Scalebreaker DLC
Dungeon DLC containing two 4 player group dungeons: Moongrave Fane in Northern Elsweyr and Lair of Maarselok in Grahtwood.
Earlier ESO Chapters

Summerset Chapter
Story Chapter, Summerset Zone, Artaeum Island, Daedric War narrative and Psijic Order in home of the High Elves, Jewelry Crafting, Psijic Order Skill Line. 12-player Trial Cloudrest.
Summerset Map Artaeum Map Relics of Summerset Delve Maps Sunhold Karnwasten Skyshards

Morrowind Chapter
Story Chapter set in Vvardenfell, stop a meteor from crashing into Vivec City by helping a demi-god regain his lost powers. Warden Character Class, PvP competitive arenas.
Vvardenfell Map Lost Library Delve Maps Forgotten Wastes Nchuleftingth Skyshards
Earlier ESO DLCs

Murkmire DLC
PvE and Argonian themed Story DLC, delve into the treacherous swamps and jungles of Argonia and discover a hidden world as dangerous as it is beautiful, Blackrose Prison Arena

Orsinium DLC
Orcs themed Story DLC in Wrothgar Zone, single player challenge The Maelstrom Arena, two public dungeons: Old Orsinium and Rkindaleft.
Wrothgar Map Relic Hunter Delve Maps Old Orsinium Rkindaleft Skyshards

Clockwork City DLC
Story DLC, surreal mechanical zone to explore, questline follows Morrowind Story, journey into Sotha Sil's Clockwork City to investigate a new Daedric threat. Asylum Sanctorium 12-player challenge.

Dark Brotherhood DLC
Dark Brotherhood Assassin Faction in Gold Coast Zone, learn new skills to become the deadliest assassin in Tamriel.

Thieves Guild DLC
Thieves Guild Faction in Hew's Bane Zone, focuses on stealth. Thieves Guild themed skill line. The Maw Of Lorkhaj 12-player Trial.

Wolfhunter DLC
Dungeon DLC, Wolfhunter includes March of Sacrifices in Greenshade and Moon Hunter Keep in Reaper's March - Werewolf themed 4 player group dungeons.

Dragon Bones DLC
Dungeons DLC, two dragon-themed group (4-player) dungeons, Scalecaller Peak located in Stormhaven and Fang Lair located in Bangkorai.

Horns of the Reach DLC
Dungeons DLC, two Nord-themed group (4-player) dungeons, Bloodroot Forge and Falkreath Hold both located in Craglorn

Shadows of the Hist DLC
Dungeon DLC, two Argonian-themed group dungeons, Cradle of Shadows and Ruins of Mazzatun both located in Shadowfen.

Imperial City DLC
The Imperial City in is Cyrodiil, PvP Imperial Sewers and Imperial Districts, PvE White-Gold Tower and Imperial City Prison.

Homestead DLC
Free Update, Player Housing And Furniture
Neutral & PvP ESO Zones
Available for free in ESO Standard Edition

Coldharbour Zone
The dreadful Oblivion plane of Coldharbour is a place of death, despair, and infinite cruelty. It is ruled by Molag Bal, the Lord of Brutality and Domination, a Daedric Prince dedicated to enslaving all the mortals of Nirn.

Craglorn Zone
Group Zone also some Solo story activity. Though crossed by caravans and Covenant troops going to and from Cyrodiil, this wild region of eastern Hammerfell is a virtual no-man's-land. It's anchored on the east and west by the towns of Elinhir and Dragonstar.

Cyrodiil Zone
Big PvP Zone. The Imperial province of Cyrodiil dominates central Tamriel. With the Empire's collapse, armies of the Dominion, Covenant, and Pact have all invaded Cyrodiil, vying for the Imperial throne and control of the greatest prize in the land.
Full Cyrodiil Map Cyrodiil Aldmeri Dominion Map Cyrodiil Daggerfall Covenant Map Cyrodiil Ebonheart Pact Map Skyshards
ESO Daggerfall Covenant Zones
All zones in Daggerfall Covenant Region are available for free in ESO Standard Edition.

Stros M'Kai Zone
One of the first landfalls settled by the Redguards when they sailed east from their lost homeland of Yokuda, the island of Stros M'Kai is now a haven for freebooters, sea-rovers, and other nautical entrepreneurs who roam the Abecean Sea.

Betnikh Zone
Nine generations ago, the island of Betony was conquered by the Seamount Orcs, who renamed it Betnikh. A proud, self-reliant people, the Orcs fiercely protect their new home from incursion by outsiders.

Glenumbra Zone
Glenumbra, the westernmost region of High Rock, contains the city-states of Daggerfall and Camlorn, the great cemetery of Cath Bedraud, and the wild areas of Hag Fen, Glenumbra Moors, and the forests of Daenia.

Stormhaven Zone
Situated at the head of the strategic Iliac Bay, Stormhaven is the geographic center of High Rock, and also the home of the great trading city of Wayrest, capital of the Daggerfall Covenant.

Rivenspire Zone
This northwestern region of High Rock contains some of the province's most dramatic terrain, including towering, flinty crags, windswept moors, and narrow canyons. Many folk find the environment oppressive, even threatening.

Alik'r Desert Zone
Though there are fertile fields on the coast near the capital city of Sentinel, it is the arid expanses of the interior that have captured the hearts of the rugged Redguards. The Alik'r is rich in mineral resources, but its fierce creatures and harsh terrain are daunting to most.
Alik'r Desert Map Delve Maps Lost City of the Na-Totambu Skyshards

Bangkorai Zone
This region takes its name from its most famous feature, the Bangkorai Pass, which has served as High Rock's defense against the wild raiders of Hammerfell for countless generations. The uplands north of the pass and the desert to the south are both ruled from the port city of Evermore.
ESO Ebonheart Pact Zones
All zones in Ebonheart Pact Region are available for free in ESO Standard Edition.

Bleakrock Isle Zone
Bleakrock is an island off the northeast coast of Skyrim between Windhelm and Solstheim. The hardy Nords who inhabit Bleakrock are mostly farmers and fisherfolk. A small contingent of Pact soldiers keeps a sharp lookout for pirates and raiders.

Bal Foyen Zone
Bal Foyen, on the southern coast of Morrowind's Inner Sea, was a wild expanse of marshland until recently. Now much of it has been turned over to the Dark Elves' former Argonian slaves, who plant saltrice and herd guar in the former wastes.

Stonefalls Zone
The ashfall from the volcanoes of the Velothi Mountains and from great Ash Mountain itself is Stonefalls' bane and benefit, fertilizing the soil where the land isn't too arid to grow crops. It was here that the recent invading army from Akavir met its bloody end.

Deshaan Zone
The fertile valleys of Deshaan are home to lush fungal forests, deep kwama mines, and broad pastures where netches and guar graze. But all pales before the magnificence of Mournhold, home of the Tribunal and capital of the Ebonheart Pact.

Shadowfen Zone
On the border with Morrowind, the Shadowfen region has had more contact with Tamrielic civilization than most of Black Marsh - due primarily to the activities of the Dunmeri slavers who once operated out of the city of Stormhold. Now the Argonians are back in charge.

Eastmarch Zone
One of the Old Holds, Eastmarch was among the first regions of Skyrim settled by the Nords when they arrived from Atmora. Its capital, Windhelm, is the oldest continuously inhabited human settlement in Tamriel, and was founded by Ysgramor himself.

The Rift Zone
Skyrim's southernmost hold has a relatively temperate climate, thanks to northern mountains that block the frigid gales of the Sea of Ghosts, and warming volcanoes in the Velothi Mountains to the east. Its capital is Riften, on the shores of broad Lake Honrich.
ESO Aldmeri Dominion Zones
All zones in Aldmeri Dominion Region are available for free in ESO Standard Edition.

Khenarthi's Roost Zone
This island off the south coast of Elsweyr is named after the Khajiiti goddess of weather and the sky, who is usually represented as a great hawk. She finds many worshipers among the cat-folk's sailors and farmers, especially those who grow moon-sugar cane.

Auridon Zone
The second largest of the Summerset Isles, Auridon has always served the High Elves as a buffer between their serene archipelago and the turmoil of Tamriel. The Altmer of Auridon have been hardened by generations of repelling invaders, pirates, and plagues.

Grahtwood Zone
This region is the southern heart of the Wood Elves' great forest, and home to more of the gigantic graht-oaks than any other part of Valenwood. Its capital, now also the capital of the entire Aldmeri Dominion, is Elden Root.

Greenshade Zone
Greenshade, a land of flowing rivers and fertile plains, occupies the southwest portion of Valenwood. The port city of Woodhearth sits upon the western shore, while other towns include Marbruk and Greenheart.

Malabal Tor Zone
Malabal Tor is the northwest region of Valenwood, on the coast of the Abecean Sea and the Strid River estuary. Its capital is Silvenar, the spiritual home of all Wood Elves.

Reaper's March Zone
Once known simply as Northern Valenwood, this region that borders Cyrodiil and Elsweyr has seen so much bloody warfare since the fall of the Second Empire that it's now known as Reaper's March, even to its battle-scarred inhabitants.